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The Total Ship Readiness Assessment (TSRA) was developed in response to Fleet Review Panel (FRP) recommendations to develop an overarching assessment process conducted by third-party assessors to identify, assess and document ships’ material conditions.



  • TSRA Phase One consists of a pre-availability /pre-deployment assessments of structural and other slow-to-degrade systems including most “life-cycle” material assessments


  • TSRA Phase Two consists of post-deployment/pre-availability assessments of propulsion, auxiliary and Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Collaboration, and Intelligence (C5I) systems in order to identify growth and new work candidates prior to Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) availabilities


  • TSRA Phase Three runs concurrently with a CNO availability and consists of tank/void assessments, and other selected systems which are best conducted in an availability and supports sea trial readiness


  • TSRA Phase Four is a post-availability/pre basic phase assessment, which ensures ship material readiness to support basic phase training and operations


  • TSRA Phase Five is a pre-deployment assessment, preparing a ship for advanced/integrated training and deployment operations