The Emergency Ship Salvage Material (ESSM) System is a series of facilities that provide ship salvage, pollution control, and underwater ship husbandry equipment on an emergency or as required basis. The facilities are both located within the Continental United States (CONUS) and throughout the world. The CONUS facilities provide a complete inventory of ESSM equipment and the facilities located outside CONUS carry limited amounts of ship salvage and pollution control material only.
The ESSM Website
This website provides access to a detailed description of the Pollution and Salvage Equipment and an inventory of the Diving and Underwater Ship Husbandry equipment available in the ESSM system. The site has major tabs or links across the tip containing an inventory, including location information and description of the equipment in the system. The system descriptions contain information on individual components of each system, photographs, physical characteristics and specifications, and information regarding ancillary.
ESSM Resource Organization (Equipment Catalogs and Inventory Information)
The following information is organized under each major site link.
Procedures - Contains the process or conditions under which the equipment can be borrowed. Some resources are set-aside for specific purposes or are available under unique conditions. These specifics are contained in the Procedures Section.
Inventory - Under the Pollution, Salvage, UWSH, and Diving functional links, users will find "Inventory" links that open a current inventory table listing the equipment available at each location. These tables are updated routinely as new equipment is added to the inventory.
Equipment Specifications - In the Pollution and Salvage sections a viewer will find a complete description and vital specifications for each pollution and salvage system component. These are cataloged by nomenclature simplifying access to equipment specifications.
Equipment Catalogs Download - These catalogs have been compiled to offer a complete and detailed reference on all major items of Emergency Ship Salvage Material. Currently only the Salvage Catalog and the Pollution Catalog are available for download. The catalogs are divided into separate sections representing each major equipment category and include administration procedures as well. The data presented herein does not supersede the data contained in appropriate U.S. Navy and/or manufacturers' operation, maintenance or, technical manuals.