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Home : Home : Warfare Centers : NSWC Carderock : Resources : Technical Information Systems : Navy XML/SGML Repository : DTDs & Schemas : IWS6 Common Schema
IWS6 Common Schema
  • Download Schema and associated files          
    • The DON approved Unqualified Datatype Schema (DON-Enterprise-UDT-1.0.0.xsd)
    • A schema specifying the W3C x-link Recommendation (xlink.xsd)
    • A code-list schema for measurements (LockheedMartin-Codelist-NSPCodeList-1.0.xsd)
    • Object ID Naming Conventions spreadsheet (Object ID Chart.xls)
    • Reusable.xsd
    • Root.xsd
    • Root_Data.xsd
  • Data Dictionary.xls (Data Dictionary is provided in form of an EXCEL spreadsheet.)
  • IETM Schema Example and Documentation
  • Publishing Package for NSP Schema (Style Sheets, Scripts, and Graphics)
  • IWS6 Common Schema- Description

    The schema, formerly known as the Neutral Schema Project (NSP) Schema, is used to capture technical data with the focus on modularity and maximizing schema-object and data reuse. Currently, there are several programs using this schema to capture both electronic equipment-level and system-level information for IETM data management and production.

    The schema was designed in accordance with the DON Naming and Design Rules v2.0, which incorporates concepts from ISO 11179 and ISO 15000 series specifications


    IWS6 Common Schema- Disclaimer
    Please read before using the schema.

    This schema, formerly known as the Neutral Schema Project (NSP) Schema, has been developed by PEO IWS6
     to capture technical data with the focus on modularity and maximizing schema-object and data reuse. Currently, there are several programs using this schema to capture both electronic equipment-level and system-level information for IETM data management and production. Any interested organization may use this schema. PEO IWS6 provides this schema as is, with no implied or explicit guarantee. If users make changes to this schema to fit their requirements, they must accept responsibility for their changes. PEO IWS6 welcomes comments concerning recommended changes or improvements to this schema, though there is no assumed or implied responsibility by PEO IWS6 to respond.
    Points of Contact
    Owner (requests for changes) 
    PEO IWS6, Naval Sea Systems Command: 
    202-781-1671 Voice

    Technical POC (questions re: content models, tags, use, etc.) 
    NAVSEA Warfare Centers - Newport:
    401-832-2539 Voice