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Surface Training Systems Program Office (PMS 339)

Program Summary

The Surface Training Systems Program Office (PMS 339) leads all strategic program planning, policy, research and development, acquisition, technical insertion and life-cycle management of surface training platforms to educate and ensure the competency of U.S. Navy Sailors through delivery of aligned, consistent and proven training solutions.

PMS 339 consists of three major Divisions:

  • Surface Training Systems Division: Responsible for SEWTC, Trainers, POM, Wholeness and COMS
  • Current Readiness Division: Responsible for NTSPs, Modernization, TRPPM and Manpower
  • New Construction MPT/FIT Division: Responsible for MPT, FIT, SWE, and Readiness Kill Chain

PMS 339 interacts with OPNAV resource sponsors, NAVSEASYSCOM, Fleet and Training Stakeholders.

Additionally, PMS 339:

  • Functions as the Navy Training System Plan (NTSP) Single Integrator
  • Establishes NAVSEA Front-End Analysis (FEA) and enforces Training Planning Process standards to meet OPNAV requirements
  • Validates NTSP reviews, proposing training efficiency and/or effectiveness changes as necessary
  • Manages the development, acquisition, operation and maintenance, sustainment, modernization and overhaul of schoolhouse and waterfront shore-based training systems as directed by the OPNAV Surface and Expeditionary Warfare Training Plan (SEWTP) or NTSP requirements
  • Fleet Introduction (FIT) agent for new construction DDG 51, DDG 1000, LPD 17, LHA 7, CG MOD, ESB 3-5, Aegis Ashore, and LCS
  • Crew Stabilization Planning and Crew Scheduling and Phasing Plans for in-service modernization and new construction programs.
  • Support Participating Acquisition Resource Managers /Program Managers in manpower, personnel and training product development

Updated Sep 2020