Megan Crimmins, a member of WWC consulting firm, talks to potential spouse employees at a job fair hosted by the Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC).
It can be challenging to maintain a career, or just find a job, while transferring to a new duty station with your spouse. The Fleet and Family Support Centers (FFSC) in Rota is ready to help alleviate some of that stress and help give direction to your job search while in Spain. A variety of services are available for family members looking for employment through FFSC, including: Employment Overview Workshops, Government Employment Tips, Getting Started Teaching English, English Teacher’s Networking Group, Effective Resume Writing and Critiques, Interview Techniques, Volunteer Opportunities, and Self-Paced Computer Tutorial Programs.
FFSC’s Work and Family Life (WFL) Consultants also provide advice on what jobs are available in Rota, review job applications, critique resumes, and provide informational counseling.
To contact your Work and Family Life consultant in Rota, please call DSN (314) 727-3232, Commercial +34-956-82-3232, or email ffsc.rota@eu.navy.mil.
Helpful information can also be found on the FFSC Rota Facebook page.
Additional Information on spouse/family member employment opportunities on base.
On base, you’ll find that there are several different avenues to find employment. They include work as a federal employee, working for a U.S. contractor on base, teaching and substitute teaching, teaching English, etc. As discussed previously, it is highly encouraged to speak with or set up an appointment with a local FFSC staff member to discuss all the options available to you.
Family members of U.S. “stateside hire” civil service employees (sponsor) may qualify for overseas family member preference positions. These preferences are described below:
Overseas Family Member Preference Eligible
You are eligible for this hiring category if you are a spouse, or unmarried dependent child (including stepchild, adopted child, and foster child) not more than 23 years of age who:
- Resides with a member of the U.S. Armed Forces or a U.S. citizen employee of a U.S. Government Agency (including non-appropriated fund activities) whose duty station is in the foreign area: AND,
- Have not accepted or declined a permanent position or a temporary position of one year or longer at the new duty station of the sponsor.
**NOTE: This preference does not apply to family members of locally hired civilian employees.
Visit USAJOBS to find Overseas Family Member Preference job openings in Rota and apply for them. Search both under U.S. citizens and Federal Employees. Review “who may apply” under each vacancy announcement to see if you’re eligible.
In the USAJOBS job announcement look for the “This job is open to” section. When a job is open to Family of overseas employees, you’ll see a blue circle icon with a white airplane in it. There may be other groups listed that can also apply.
However, you need to read the full job announcement to see if the job falls under one of the Department of State or Department of Defense programs. These hiring programs have different requirements. You may see the terms Family Member Preference (FMP) or Family Member Appointment (FMA).
You can also select the Family of overseas employees filter in search. Your results will display all jobs open to family of overseas employees.
For more information, please visit USAJOBS.
Non-Appropriated Fund (NAF) Positions
A number of NAF positions are available working for Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) Activities or the Navy Exchange (NEX). MWR and NEX have their own Human Resources Offices (HRO) and job application processes for their NAF positions. Announcements and information on how to apply for MWR and NEX NAF positions can be found on the MWR Rota site.
Family Employment Readiness Program (FERP) Resources
Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) Rota provides basic information, materials, consultations, workshops, and referrals relating to employment to all SOFA sponsored personnel.
Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) Annual Job Fair provides the opportunity for job seekers to meet local employers and learn about job opportunities.
Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) Classes, Workshops and Trainings
- How to teach English
- Resume Writing
- Job Search Strategies
- Federal Employment
- Interview Skills
- How to KSAs (Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities)
- Career Exploration
- Volunteering
- Teen Employment
- 1 on 1 Consultations
- Volunteer Opportunities: A good way to get your foot in the door and network with potential employers is to volunteer. FFSC has options and information for volunteer opportunities.