Home : Home : RMC : FDRMC : Spain Tours : Working in Spain : FDRMC Rota : Description-Responsibility

Below is a list of codes and descriptions at FDRMC Rota:

Code 106 (OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL) – Provides Safety, Fire Safety, Health, and Environmental technical oversight; this includes providing interpretations of standards, regulations and requirements. Promotes FDRMC employee safety and health, and environmental stewardship through comprehensive programs in occupational safety and health, gas free engineering and industrial hygiene exposure monitoring, and environmental protection.

Code 130 (QUALITY ASSURANCE) – Oversees contractor performance in a multitude of areas including: Quality Assurance, NDT, Welding, Preservation, and Radiation Safety. Develop and monitor plans for oversight of the contractor's ship repair processes. Conducts various inspections, quality audits and compliance checks. Also trends quality deficiencies to preempt serious problems and improve processes and programs.

Code 200 (ENGINEERING) – As a contributor to the European Phased Adaptive Approach of the Forward Deployed Naval Force Ballistic Missile Defense net, FDRMC Detachment Rota Engineering Department boasts a light but highly adaptive and innovative workforce that locally maintains and enforces NAVSEA Technical Authority in FIFTH and SIXTH Fleet Areas of Operation and routinely provides expert support for Fleet Technical Assistance requests, Readiness Assessment events and Maintenance Availabilities, including Planning, Testing and Work Certification all with the objective to sustain maritime superiority.

Code 300 (WATERFRONT OPERATIONS) – Primary function is to ensure the success of scheduled availabilities and emergent repairs. Ensures the safe, satisfactory, timely, and economical accomplishment of Voyage Repairs in keeping the Fleet operationally ready through management of ship maintenance projects and continuous maintenance.

Code 500 (FLEET LOGISTICS CENTER INDUSTRIAL SUPPORT and Inventory MGMT) – Provide expert logistics services to the local RMC in support of FDNF-E Maintenance availabilities and emergent repairs. ILS elements, production and waterfront support.

Code 600 (FINANCE) – Responsible for budget execution, payroll, financial accounting, contract and vendor payment, civilian PCS both inbound and outbound. Ships funding execution and reconciliation. Inputting financial data into the financial system.

Code 900 (PRODUCTION) – Responsible for the safe, satisfactory, timely, and economical accomplishment of all JEMANDIZ assigned maintenance and repair work in keeping the FDNF in Spain operationally ready.

Code 1100 (CORPORATE OPERATIONS) – Responsible for the organization, implementation, and administration of all Administrative Services within FDRMC, including security, civilian and military manpower, trainings, facilities, information technology, business operations, and public affairs.

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