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Margot Adams (left) and Chaney Ganninger brief attendees on their integration of a Nerf gun into an autonomous turret gun system. They were among students who completed their summer internships at Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division. The Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program (SEAP) encourages participating high school students to pursue science and engineering careers, to further their education via mentoring by laboratory personnel and their participation in research, and to make them aware of DoN research and technology efforts, which can lead to employment within the DoN.The Science and Engineering Apprentice Program (SEAP) is a Department of Navy program designed to give high school students interested in science and engineering disciplines exposure to real-world laboratory research. Apprentices are competitively selected and assigned to a participating laboratory to pursue scientific experiences with a scientist or engineer who mentors the student for eight continuous summer weeks.

Qualifying Requirements

Must be:

  • A U.S. citizen
  • Have completed at least Grade 9 (graduating seniors are eligible to apply)

Program Highlights

  • 8-week summer program
  • Returning students receive a $4,500 stipend
  • New students receive a $4,000 stipend
  • Depending on the research topic, a 15-year old may be considered at this lab
  • Each student must secure their own transportation.  Due to the secure nature of the facility, individuals without access will not be permitted on base.  Therefore, students must be able to drive themselves or carpool to work with someone with base access.
  • Students are encouraged to take advantage of the "Interests" section of the SEAP application. This field allows you to specify your areas of interest within science and/or engineering.

How to Apply

Interested students should visit the SEAP website for details and application procedures.

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The Department of Navy is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified candidates will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, political affiliation, sexual orientation, or any other non-merit factor. The Department of the Navy provides reasonable accommodation to applicants with disabilities. Applicant who believe they require reasonable accommodation should contact us at (951) 393-5255 for assistance.