NSWCDD Academic Opportunities
NSWCDD is committed to supporting academic programs which provide quality education at reasonable cost, in disciplines relevant to our mission needs. Participating employees work closely with management to develop and execute an academic plan that aligns their professional goals and the mission objectives of NSWCDD.
Those who are enrolled in an NSWCDD endorsed academic program of study and complete all necessary registration procedures by required deadlines are eligible for upfront payment of academic tuition and associated fees. Employees may also be reimbursed for required academic textbooks upon submittal of a final course grade that meets NSWCDD academic program standards. Employees may also apply for academic fellowship program, a completive process that provides time on the clock for employees to complete academics.
Naval Post Graduate School and Naval War College are also continuing education opportunities available to our workforce.
For questions and additional information regarding academic opportunities, contact the NSWCDD Academic Programs Manager at: dlgr_nswc_1016_t.fct@navy.mil