NSWCDD is dedicated to providing a safe, accommodating, inclusive work environment for a workforce as diverse as the nation we serve.
Individuals with disabilities (IWD) make up an essential and growing part of our team. We are committed to implementing and expanding our IWD hiring initiatives, education within our organization, and to constantly lowering barriers to work.
In order to be eligible for employment through the Schedule A non-competitive process, documentation of the disability is required. Such documentation is used to verify that the individual being hired is indeed a person with a qualifying disability.
This documentation must be provided to the hiring agency before an individual can be hired. Documentation of eligibility for employment under Schedule A can be obtained from a licensed medical professional (e.g., a physician or other medical professional certified by a state, the District of Columbia, or a U.S. territory to practice medicine); a licensed vocational rehabilitation specialist (e.g.., state or private); or any Federal agency, state agency, or agency of the District of Columbia or a U.S. territory that issues or provides disability benefits.
For more information on Schedule A hiring authority for persons with disabilities, please visit: https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/disability-employment/hiring/#url=Schedule-A-Hiring-Authority
If you are a person with a disability and would like to be considered for vacancies, please go to Talent Acquisition Portal (TAP): https://navsea.recsolu.com/external/events/CY0eZOjCVr4WEkP180FZLw and create or update your profile.
If you meet eligibility for Schedule A hiring authority, upload your schedule A letter along with your resume. However, do not include disability/medical documentation. You may be contacted if we wish to schedule a job interview.