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Resume Tips

So, you found the job you want. And, it's with the Federal Government. Better yet, it’s at FDRMC Naples. Congratulations! You're embarking on an exciting journey with dynamic opportunities that Federal jobs overseas, and especially in Italy, provide. You're also competing for these highly desirable jobs with some of the best candidates around. How do you know you've shown future employers your worth?

First, read the job announcement carefully and acquaint yourself with what the Federal agency is seeking. FDRMC Naples often has unique requirements, so read the Vacancy Announcement carefully.

Then, check your resume to ensure it’s complete and includes all the required information for the job you want. Next, capture how your experience matches the qualifications for that job and tailor your resume to the job to which you are replying – that’s why you can have up to five resumes in USAJobs! Remember: Federal agencies base their decisions on merit so, follow the 10 tips available at the link below carefully when describing your experience and skills.

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