Recognizing that energy independence is critical to the
Navy's mission, NAVSEA is developing several technologies that will reduce the
Navy's energy consumption across the fleet.
In 2009, Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus announced
aggressive energy goals to reduce the Department of Navy's consumption of
energy, decrease its reliance on foreign sources of oil, and significantly
increase its use of alternative energy.
The purpose of these energy goals is to improve our combat capability
and to increase our energy security by addressing a significant military
vulnerability: dependence on foreign
One of the Navy's energy goals is to demonstrate and then
deploy a "Great Green Fleet," which will include ships and aircraft
using alternative sources of energy, including nuclear power, and utilizing
multiple energy conservation measures as part of their regular, scheduled
deployments throughout calendar year 2016.
Here you will find information about several of the
technologies NAVSEA is in the process of developing or installing across the
fleet to support the Great Green Fleet.
For more information on Navy energy goals, please see: