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Senior Marine Corps Leader Visits NSWC Crane
March 19, 2018
CRANE, Ind. – On March 13, Lt. Gen. Daniel O’Donohue, the Marine Corps’ Deputy Commandant for Information, and his team visited Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division (NSWC Crane) to learn more about Crane’s work in areas such as cybersecurity, expeditionary warfare, and electronic warfare.

Combat Direction Systems Activity Changes Command Name
March 16, 2018
IMAGE: Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division Dam Neck Activity (NSWCDD DNA) aerial photo.

Japan Ministry of Defense and Self-Defense Forces Tour NSWC Dahlgren
March 15, 2018
IMAGE: DAHLGREN, Va. - Twenty members of the Japanese Ministry of Defense and Self-Defense Forces delegation representing Japan's Ground, Maritime and Air Self-Defense Forces (GSDF, MSDF, and ASDF) are pictured with three representatives of the U.S. Center for Strategic and International Studies and two Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) leaders - Chester Petry, electromagnetic railgun lead systems engineer, and Jed Ryan, International Partnering Office lead - in front of the electromagnetic railgun prototype launcher. Navy scientists and engineers briefed the Japanese delegation on NSWCDD mission and capabilities, focusing on directed energy weapons, electromagnetic railgun, hypervelocity projectile, and human systems integration programs. The February visit is the latest in a series of annual visits supporting the U.S. Center for Strategic and International Studies and Japan's Ministry of Defense Executive Training Program. The Japanese Ministry of Defense and Self-Defense Forces carry out various activities seamlessly and flexibly based on joint operations of GSDF, MSDF, and ASDF.  (U.S. Navy photo/Released)

Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force Tours NSWC Dahlgren
March 13, 2018
IMAGE: DAHLGREN, Va. (Feb. 16, 2018) - Japanese Vice Adm. Hideki Yuasa and Capt. Takuro Koroki are pictured with their delegation and Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) leadership in front of the electromagnetic railgun prototype launcher. Yuasa is president of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) Maritime Command and Staff College in Tokyo and Koroki is the naval attaché for the Embassy of Japan and the JMSDF delegation. Yuasa led the Japanese delegation to see new and emerging technologies developed at NSWCDD. Navy scientists and engineers briefed the Japanese delegation on human systems integration, electromagnetic launchers, hypervelocity projectiles, and directed energy weapons, in addition to the command's capabilities in complex warfare systems development and integration to incorporate electric weapons technology into existing and future fighting forces and platforms. (U.S. Navy photo/Released)

University of Virginia and NSWC Dahlgren Partnership Impacts 3D Printing Research
March 12, 2018
IMAGE: CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. - University of Virginia students investigate material properties with a microscope. The students and their professors teamed up with Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) engineers and scientists through the Naval Engineering Education Consortium (NEEC) to develop a better understanding of the capabilities and limitations of additive manufacturing (3D printing).  "The research that the University of Virginia is conducting is an important examination of the microstructure and mechanical properties of alloys relevant to the Navy produced by state of the art additive manufacturing techniques," said Ricky Moore, an NSWCDD engineer and mentor to the students. "Understanding these properties is paramount as the Navy begins to design, develop, produce, and field components and systems produced with additive manufacturing to improve performance and availability of systems in the Fleet. Without it, much of the promise of additive manufacturing will be out of reach."

Through Her Eyes: NSWC Crane Engineer Accompanies NAVSEA Executive Director During Visit to Crane
February 28, 2018
CRANE, Ind. – Manda Schaeffer has spent the majority of her more than seven years at Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division (NSWC Crane) focusing on specific technologies. Schaeffer recently realized, however, that in order to continue to grow, she needed a better understanding of Naval Sea Systems Command’s (NAVSEA) mission priorities.

Civil Rights Leader Recounts Civil War, Civil Rights Heroes at Navy Observance
February 21, 2018
IMAGE: KING GEORGE, Va. (Feb. 14, 2018) - Dr. Frank Smith holds the Dahlgren history book, "The Sound of Freedom," he just received from Capt. Godfrey "Gus" Weekes, Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) commanding officer, while the two shake hands at the 2018 African American and Black History Month Observance. As the event's keynote speaker, Dr. Smith - Director of the African American Civil War Museum in Washington, DC. - focused on this year's theme, "African Americans in Times of War," which recognizes contributions African Americans made to the nation during times of war from the Revolutionary War to present-day conflicts.

Middle School Students Respond to Navy Challenge, Present 88 STEM Projects at Science Fair
February 6, 2018
IMAGE: FREDERICKSBURG, Va. (Jan. 30, 2018) – The 15 students recognized for placing first, second, third, and honorable mention at the 2018 Freedom Middle School Science Fair are pictured with school officials. They were among 108 students who presented 88 science, technology, engineering, and mathematics projects in three categories: earth and space, life science and biology, and physical science. The students briefed their projects to 15 judges – including 12 scientists and engineers from Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division – who interviewed and mentored the students while evaluating their projects. Students pictured left to right on the first row (bottom) are: Samantha Quillen, Emilee Imler, Kaitlyn Bestick, and Hannah Lowery. Second row: Rachel Margelos, Caleb Caison, and Regan Bestick. Third row: Gavin White, Calvin Campbell, Areanna Jess, and Garrett Peck. Fourth row: Daniel Fordham, Hailey Gibson, Phoebe Awan, and M’Laya Ainsworth. Freedom Middle School officials pictured in the top row: Advanced Science Teacher Linda Lapp, Vice Principal Dwan Barnes Gaines, Principal Dr. Eric Wright, and ‎Physical Science Teacher Mendy Owen.

Federal Laboratory Consortium Selects 'Dahlgren Decon' for 2018 Excellence in Tech Transfer Award
February 6, 2018
IMAGE: SCHOFIELD BARRACKS, Hawaii – A U.S. Army Soldier decontaminates a military vehicle with the Dahlgren Decontamination solution, known as Dahlgren Decon. The Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer (FLC) selected Dahlgren Decon technology for a 2018 Excellence in Technology Transfer Award, Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) announced, Feb. 2. Dahlgren Decon was invented and developed by NSWCDD to defend warfighters against chemical, biological, and radiological agents. In September 2016, the command signed an exclusive license agreement with First Line Technology, a Virginia-based small business, permitting it to manufacture the life-saving decontamination technology for warfighters and first responders nationwide.

NAVSEA Commander Launches Tour of Navy Warfare Centers, Sees Campaign Plan in Action
January 31, 2018
IMAGE: DAHLGREN, Va. (Jan. 16, 2018) – Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) Innovation Lab (iLab) Director of Innovation Nelson Mills briefs the Commander of Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) Vice Adm. Thomas Moore, NAVSEA Command Master Chief Robert Crossno, and NSWCDD Commanding Officer Capt. Gus Weekes, on the use of digital collaboration tables as visual aids for surface ships. The collaboration table could provide capabilities to view ship doctrine, navigation tracks, radar information, and Automatic Identification System information for situational awareness. The iLab – equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, services, and trained personnel – opened for business last summer as an intensive collaborative environment where the command's experts work to speed up and maximize corporate innovative solutions across the laboratory. 

The iLab was one stop in the admiral's tour of Dahlgren, which gave him an opportunity to meet with the command's leaders, scientists, and engineers. It was the first in a series of scheduled visits to the NAVSEA Warfare Center divisions under the theme of “Warfare Centers – The Campaign Plan in Action.” While at the iLab, Weekes briefed the NAVSEA commander on Dahlgren technical programs, including directed energy, electromagnetic railgun, chemical, biological, and radiological defense, as well as leadership development. Moore's Campaign Plan is focused on three mission priorities: on-time delivery of ships and submarines, culture of affordability, and cybersecurity. These priorities address today's challenges and provide the focus to achieve NAVSEA's mission and support the Fleet.