WASHINGTON - The Joint Counter Radio-Controlled Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Electronic Warfare (JCREW) program is approved for operational testing, Naval Sea Systems Command announced, April 30.
The Commander Operational Test and Evaluation Force will conduct the testing to verify the program's effectiveness and suitability. It is expected to enter low rate initial production later this fiscal year. The Navy designed the JCREW system using an innovative modular, open architecture platform that allows rapid improvements in system performance in order to counter the constantly evolving IED threat.
"The Navy is developing the JCREW system to protect the warfighter on patrol, in vehicles, or in forward operating bases from advanced radio-controlled improvised explosive devices (RCIEDs)," said Capt. Aaron Peters, expeditionary missions program manager.
The program includes three variants that provide critical support to warfighters. The dismounted variant is carried via backpack; the mounted variant is attached to tactical vehicles, such as the Humvee and Mine Resistant Ambush Protected; and the fixed variant provides protection at static locations, such as buildings, entry control points or forward operating bases. These systems provide a "protective bubble" around warfighters, preventing the initiation of an improvised explosive device within a lethal range.
The JCREW program is managed by the Expeditionary Missions Program Office as part of the Naval Sea Systems Command's Directorate for Acquisition and Commonality. The directorate brings together personnel dedicated to bridging communication gaps between government and industry, in order to enable cost and variance reductions throughout the acquisition lifecycle. The directorate also provides leadership support to expeditionary missions, and the Explosive Ordnance Disposal and special warfare communities.