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Navy Professor’s Family History Parallels U.S. Founding Father’s Vision on Education
June 20, 2018
IMAGE: DAHLGREN, Va. (May 29, 2018) – Dr. Carson Eoyang – keynote speaker at the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month Observance – shares 10 rules for success that he learned from his parents and teachers. He fine-tuned the rules while working on degree programs at MIT, Harvard, and Stanford - rules that continued to impact his professional career in federal service. Eoyang credited education as the key to his family’s success after his father emigrated from China to the United States after World War II.

LGBT Observance at NSWCDD Dam Neck Activity
June 8, 2018
IMAGE: VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (June 6, 2018) - Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division Dam Neck Activity hosted their Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month Observance with Cory Gerwe and Elizabeth Nowell from the LGBT Life Center Norfolk.  Mr. Gerwe spoke about the LGBT community and provided information concerning resources and support available via the LGBT Life Center.  Nowell presented statistics on the LGBT community nationally. They are pictured with NSWCDD Dam Neck Activity's EEO representative, Marcus Matthews (right). For additional information concerning the LGBT Life Center Norfolk, please visit https://lgbtlifecenter.org.

NSWCDD Biomedical Engineer Teams Up with High School STEM Champion to Mentor Students - 'Fun Twist on Math'
May 24, 2018
IMAGE: KING GEORGE, Va. - A local student explores the fact that all living organisms have DNA by extracting it from strawberries. He was among 14 students (and 12 parents) from Potomac Elementary School, King George Elementary School, and home schools participating in a Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) sponsored science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) event at the Dahlgren Heritage Museum, May 12. NSWCDD biomedical engineer Chelsey Lawson and Nathan Sullins, a high school junior STEM champion, mentored the second to sixth grade students who learned that strawberries have eight genome copies in every cell, making it easier to see the mass when it's extracted using dish detergent and isopropyl alcohol. 

"We take a fun twist on math by learning about statistics using starbursts," said Jon Dachos, HSI Surface Combat System Lead and STEM mentor who coordinated the event. "The students categorized and graphed the 
 contents of their candy samples and we discussed other ways that statistics are useful. Finally, the students practiced principles of physics and civil engineering by building the tallest tower they could out of dry spaghetti and mini marshmallows. In order to engage students in different STEM careers, a poster is displayed that shows potential career paths based on their STEM interests."

The Economic and Intellectual Impact of Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division
May 16, 2018
IMAGE: DAHLGREN, Va. (May 16, 2018) – The Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) Economic and Intellectual Impact for fiscal year 2017 is outlined in the 'NSWCDD Impact' infographic released today by the NSWCDD Economic Impact Working Group. This year's study examined the organization’s influences on the local economy, state and county revenues, as well as academic and intellectual life and progress. Moreover, it analyzed how the command’s role as a Working Capital Fund Activity influences its operations, products, and services, and by extension – its customers, sponsors and the wider community.

Dam Neck Activity Joins Allies in Honoring the Fallen on ANZAC Day
April 30, 2018
IMAGE: NORFOLK, Va. (April 25, 2018) - Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division Dam Neck Activity Commanding Officer Cmdr. Andrew J. Hoffman, Australian exchange officer Lt. Cmdr. Chris Davidson, Royal Australian Navy, and CWO4 Junior Johnson, USN (Ret.), represented the command at the ANZAC Day dawn ceremony at the Gen. Douglas MacArthur Memorial. Behind the contingent are the flags of the United States, Australia and New Zealand, with a 'battlefield cross' and wreaths to commemorate the fallen at right.

U.S. Naval Academy Midshipmen Visit NSWC Dahlgren Division
April 27, 2018
IMAGE: DAHLGREN, Va. (April 26, 2017) - U.S. Naval Academy Midshipmen and their instructors are pictured during their tour of the gun line at the Potomac River Test Range where naval guns have been tested since 1918. Throughout their Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) visit, the future officers were briefed on technologies related to their course of study at the U.S. Naval Academy Weapons and Systems Engineering Department. Navy civilian scientists and engineers briefed the Midshipmen on electromagnetic launchers, hypervelocity projectiles, and directed energy weapons, in addition to the command's capabilities in complex warfare systems development and integration to incorporate electric weapons technology into existing and future fighting forces and platforms. This marks the Naval Academy's 17th tour of NSWCDD since 2009. Over the past 10 years, 572 Midshipmen toured Dahlgren - including the 30 Midshipmen who toured the command today - for briefings relative to their courses of study. In all, three Naval Academy instructors accompanied the Midshipmen, on this tour. Behind the Midshipmen are, left to right, a retired eight-inch triple mount automatic gun mount; a 76mm/62caliber super rapid gun mount; a retired eight-inch/55 major caliber automatic gun mount; a retired five-inch Mark 42/10 mount; and the five-inch/54 caliber automatic gun mount with the test gun barrel removed for inspection. (U.S. Navy photo/Released)

Congressman Jody Hice Visits NSWC Dahlgren Division
April 27, 2018
IMAGE: DAHLGREN, Va. (April 24, 2018) - U.S. Rep. Jody Hice, (R-Ga.), shakes hand with Dale Sisson, Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) deputy technical director, moments after Sisson presented Hice with the NSWCDD Centennial Coin in commemoration of the command's 100 years of research and development accomplishments. Throughout his tour of NSWCDD facilities, Hice saw the command's capability to develop and integrate complex warfare systems, including the ability to incorporate electric weapons technology into existing and future fighting forces and platforms. The official opening of business for Dahlgren began with the firing of the 7" Tractor Gun on October 16, 1918.  Since June 1918, when President Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation to acquire nearly one thousand acres to create the original ordnance proving ground during World War I, through today, Dahlgren has served as the center for the scientific research and development that led to hundreds of patents, innovations, and scientific breakthroughs for the U.S. Navy. Each week, NSWCDD posts new content for the public to learn more about the many people, places, and amazing projects that the command and this base has produced over the last century: http://www.navsea.navy.mil/Home/Warfare-Centers/NSWC-Dahlgren/Dahlgren_Centennial/.  (U.S. Navy photo by John Joyce/Released)

Retired Admiral Annie Andrews Inspires Audience at Navy Women's History Month Celebration
April 11, 2018

Indian Navy Chief Visits NSWC Dahlgren Division
March 27, 2018
IMAGE: DAHLGREN, Va. (March 22, 2018) - Indian Navy Chief Adm. Sunil Lanba, center, and his delegation are pictured with Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) leadership in front of the electromagnetic railgun prototype launcher. Lanba led the Indian delegation on an NSWCDD tour that included technical briefings on the U.S. Navy's Aegis Combat System, Directed Energy, and Electromagnetic Railgun Programs. They saw how the command integrates and develops complex warfare systems to incorporate electric weapons technology into existing and future fighting forces and platforms. Navy pilots from Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division also briefed India's top admiral as he flew aboard an MH-60R Seahawk for a demonstration of the helicopter's capabilities. The MH-60R Seahawk missions are anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface warfare, surveillance, communications relay, combat search and rescue, naval gunfire support and logistics support. 

Lanba's NSWCDD visit came on the heels of his meeting with U.S. Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson at the Pentagon. The two heads of Navy met with U.S. Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer on March 21 to discuss ways the two nations could improve interoperability that include additional naval exercises and staff talks. "The relationship between the U.S. Navy and the Indian Navy has never been stronger," said Richardson. "There has been meaningful progress made in strengthening the cooperation between our two great democratic and maritime nations. We are exploring every way to expand that partnership even further based on our shared interests."

Navy Engineer on Cutting Edge of Vibration Technology Wins Navy Technical Excellence Award
March 20, 2018
IMAGE: DAHLGREN, Va. - Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) engineer Shawn Schneider mounts an adapter plate to an Unholtz-Dickie T-2000 electro-dynamic vibration system capable of providing over 24,000 pounds of force in vibration at frequencies up to and exceeding 3,000 hertz (cycles per second). These systems are used to replicate shock and vibration environments experienced by test items during their lifecycle to ensure that performance and safety are not compromised prior to use by the warfighter. NSWCDD announced on March 20 that Schneider won the 2018 Department of the Navy Award for Technical Excellence at a Test and Evaluation Facility or Range. The engineer was honored for extraordinary scientific and engineering contributions to the test and evaluation community in the area of multi-input-multi-output vibration test profiles.