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Tag: U.S. Navy

From Puerto Rico to Virginia: NSWC Dahlgren Division Employee Goes the Distance for Software Innovation
September 16, 2022
IMAGE: In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division highlights Strategic and Computing Systems Department Leadership Coordinator and Acting Chief Engineer Liaison Wildaly Honaker-Medina for her vast technical expertise, leadership and mentorship and outstanding contributions in advancing software technology.

Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development, Test and Engineering visits NSWC Dahlgren Division
August 12, 2022
IMAGE: Mechanical engineer Lyn Thomas, left, updates Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development, Test and Engineering Dr. Brett Seidle, center, about the ongoing research into the hypersonic weapons program on Aug. 4. Adam Jones, head of advanced hypersonics and guided munitions, and Distinguished Engineer for Surface Engagement Systems Stephen Malyevac also briefed Seidle on his visit to the Hypersonic Research and Integration Facility for Surface Engagement during his tour of Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division.

NSWCDD employees earn NAVSEA Warfare Centers Awards
July 26, 2022

Aircraft carrier centennial: Evolution of the aircraft carrier
July 11, 2022
Evolution of the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier infographic. (Naval History and Heritage Command graphic by Annalisa Underwood)

New commander takes charge of PSNS & IMF in unique socially distanced ceremony
December 2, 2020
Puget Sound Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility welcomed its new commander Dec. 2, 2020, at the shipyard in Bremerton, Washington, during a unique change of command ceremony that was arranged to protect participants and audience members from COVID-19. Capt. Jip Mosman relieved Capt. Dianna Wolfson during the ceremony in the historic Building 460. Vice Adm. William J. Galinis, commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, participated in the event via teleconference from NAVSEA headquarters in Washington, D.C. (PSNS & IMF photo by Carie Hagins)

NSWC Dahlgren Division Technology Mentors Engage Students at STEM Summit
March 3, 2020
IMAGE: SPOTSYLVANIA, Va. (Feb. 29, 2020) – Capt. Casey Plew, Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) commanding officer, speaks with Kyle Allwine, director of government affairs for the Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce, at the annual science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) Summit open to the public at Chancellor High School. “Participating in STEM education is a valuable investment in both your future as well as society’s future,” Plew told students in his keynote speech. “Soak up the awesomeness of all of the different STEM efforts displayed for you. And get excited. One day, someone could be telling a future group of students about something amazing you developed – and it all started with you getting engaged in STEM at school.”

NSWC Dahlgren Mentors Inspire Middle and High School ‘SeaPerch’ Teachers
December 20, 2019

NSWC Dahlgren Division Scientists and Engineers Inspire USNA Midshipman
December 19, 2019
IMAGE: DAHLGREN, Va. (July 12, 2019) – U.S. Naval Academy Midshipman Jonathon Copley and his mentor, Mike Burchik, a Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) scientist, are pictured in front of a U.S. Navy 16-inch battleship gun on the parade field near NSWCDD headquarters during Copley’s summer internship. While assigned to the Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile Program (SLBM), Copley worked with a team that supported developers who wrote code for the SLBM Fire Control System. “I was astonished to see how many people were on the base working hard to keep our Navy on the cutting edge while maintaining the technology gap with our adversaries,” said Copley. “They are working day in and day out to enhance the Navy's warfighting ability. It made me proud to know I will be joining a fighting force with such superb people behind it.” (U.S. Navy photo/Released)

NSWC Dahlgren Division Laboratory Recertified to Impact Fleet, Homeland Defense
December 19, 2019
IMAGE: DAHLGREN, Va. – Melanie Keeven, Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) biologist, prepares reagents for Sample Standard Lab operations. The impact of an ISO (International Organization for Standardization) audit reaccrediting the NSWCDD Sample Standards Laboratory is significant to national defense, command officials announced on Dec. 19, 2019. “The recertification of the NSWCDD Sample Standards Laboratory to ISO standards for testing and calibration laboratories serves to assure Dahlgren’s customers that our sample standards lab’s products and services meet the most rigorous standards for labs of its ilk,” said Ellen Pittenger, Sample Standards Laboratory program manager. (U.S. Navy photo /Released)

NSWC Dahlgren Engineers Mentor Students to First Place for Combatting Homelessness
December 17, 2019
IMAGE: RICHMOND, Va. (Nov. 23, 2019) - Members of the FIRST Lego League team called ‘The Robot Engineers’ are pictured during the Glen Allen Regional Tournament held at Deep Run High School. The team – comprising ten grade-school students from multiple public and home-school districts in metro-Richmond – received the first place Innovation Project Award for their solution to combat homelessness. Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division employees Serita Seright, Joycelyn Josey-Harris and Tiffany Owens helped mentor the team.