Home : Home : Warfare Centers : NSWC Dahlgren : National Engineers Week 2023 : Anna Malyevac

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Anna Malyevac

Anna Malyevac
Strategic & Computing Systems Department

What school did you attend?
I attended University of Mary Washington for my bachelor's in computer science and am currently in the process of obtaining a master’s in cybersecurity engineering from the University of Maryland.

How long have you been employed at NSWCDD?
I began working for NSWC Dahlgren as an intern June of 2018 and I have been working full time since March 2020.

What do you like the most about your job?
I really love solving problems, and every assessment I'm on feels like a unique opportunity to challenge myself and learn something new.

What advice do you have for those looking to pursue the engineering career path?
Face every challenge head-on and take it as a learning opportunity to grow and become a better problem solver.

Why did you choose to work for the Navy?
The Navy has a wide variety of opportunities for scientists and engineers to diversify their skill set and truly find something that clicks with their interests. I really enjoy the working environment and supporting the country. I was able to find work that I truly enjoy here.  

Do you have any other interesting information that you would like to share with future engineers?
For those interested in pursuing both higher education and a career with the Navy, Dahlgren has programs that will help pay for your classes.