NSWC Crane’s patent portfolio is a part of Crane’s Technology Transfer (T2) program. T2 seeks to license and collaborate with local individuals, companies and academic institutions for the purpose of transferring government protected innovations for commercialization, ultimately spurring economic development and transfer back into the federal government.


Latest NSWC Crane T2 News
NSWC Crane Technology Transfer bridges the gap between innovation and businesses through licensing Navy technology
April 2, 2024
NSWC Crane logo

NSWC Crane assists in creating technology to detect and identify U.S. Navy sailors in emergency situations
December 15, 2023
Two men hold their invention.

NSWC Crane is a ‘super-user’ of the NSIN X-Force Fellowship, integrating non-traditional talent to challenging problem
December 7, 2023
NSWC Crane's NSIN X-Force Summer 2023 Cohort

NSWC Crane recognizes researchers and inventors for 2023
November 30, 2023
T2 Inventors of the Year Award recipients left to right: Dr. Robert Cooper, Dr. Stuart Barkley, and Dr. Greg Forcherio.

NSWC Crane employee part of collaborative Army, Navy Hypersonic team recognized nationally for transferring technology
June 1, 2023
NSWC Crane employee Mr. Patrick Shaffer is a member of a multi-agency team that was recognized by the Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) during its 2023 National Meeting in Cleveland, Ohio on March 28-30. Members from Sandia National Laboratories, Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office, Strategic Systems Programs, and Naval Sea System Program received FLC’s 2023 Interagency Partnership Award for advancing hypersonics technology.