
What is STEM?
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics curriculum was coined STEM in 2001 by Judith A. Ramaley, the former director of the National Science Foundation’s education and human-resources division.  The STEM acronym is now widely used in reference to many programs that promote education in those disciplines.  STEM itself is not an overarching program; rather, the term is used in reference to a collection of programs focused on STEM education.

Who is Involved with STEM?

Institutions of higher education, private industry, state and federal agencies, professional organizations, and local schools districts have made STEM an important focus for education policy and curriculum development. 

Why has STEM become an Important Focus?
A thriving U.S. economy relies largely on the ‘homegrown’ innovation within STEM fields.  However, recent studies and predictions of the future U.S. STEM workforce depicts a grim outlook.  In 2005, the National Academies report, “Rising Above the Gathering Storm” was published.  Within the report the Academy presents the realization that we may lose our lead in science and technology within the global economy, and they present recommendations such as “Increase America’s talent pool by vastly improving K-12 science and mathematics education.” 


Crane and STEM

Crane and the DoD, as a whole, are within the group of federal agencies concerned with STEM efforts.  Crane wants to ensure its future STEM workforce and support the growth of science and technology in the region.  We will do that through K-12 involvement such as hosting teacher workshops and having scientists and engineers provide their knowledge and expertise within the classroom.  For opportunities to get involved in our K-12 school efforts, contact the STEM coordinator listed below.  Through volunteering, you can help students, educators, Crane, and the region.

School Visit Coordinators, sign your school up for an NSWC Crane tour here!

Sign up link:

The maximum number allowed for a tour will be 20 people, including adult chaperones. This number will allow for students to interact with the presenter as well as not create a distraction for employees working in the labs. Tours must be scheduled 10 days in advance of the selected tour date.

The dates that your group can schedule for STEM tours are as follows:

                                August 18-20, 2015

                                October 6-8, 2015

                                January 12-14, 2016

                                April 5-7, 2016

                                May 17-19, 2016

                                July 14-16, 2016

Tours will typically include two-three lab tours and lunch at the local cafeteria, which students will be responsible for paying for. Tours will be given for students in grades seventh-twelfth. For activities for students in grades first – sixth, we have an educational hands-on field trip mapped to your standards. You can schedule this trip through Brandy Frady at

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Tina Closser at .