Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet (CPF) N1 and N43, in conjunction with stakeholders have developed a Ship Maintenance Individual Placement Plan (IPP) to allow personnel with no return rights from U.S. Naval Ship Repair Facility – Japan Regional Maintenance Center (SRF-JRMC) to return to the United States and retain them within the ship maintenance community.
Note that the IPP applies to BSO 70 only, does not supersede the Priority Placement Program (PPP) and does not supersede the employee’s personal job search.
The Priority Placement Program (PPP) is an automated mandatory placement program used to match eligible well-qualified employees, most of whom are subject to displacement, with vacant positions throughout DoD. It enables DoD to maintain a relatively stable work force during base realignment and closure, reduction-in-force, contracting out, etc., and minimizes the adverse effect of these actions on employees. The PPP has long been the most effective program of its kind in the Federal government.