Hotels, meals, laundry etc.
TQSA is intended to assist in covering the overseas average cost of adequate, but not elaborate or unnecessarily expensive, accommodations in a temporary quarters, plus reasonable meal and laundry expenses for a period not in excess of 90 days. TQSA commences either the date you arrive at the new post, or the effective date of transfer, whichever is later. TQSA may be advanced to you in lump sum in 30-day increments.
For more information visit the Department of State TQSA webpage.
Most if not all transferees chose to receive Temporary Quarters Subsistence Allowance (TQSA) Advancement, payment of these funds will take at least two weeks after arrival. You should be prepared to pay out-of-pocket for accommodations, meals, etc. for costs up front for an initial period of time. The costs would be approximately $500-$2000 (depending on family size) of funds available to pay these expenses. All reasonable expenses are reimbursable.
Living off-base and Advance of Pay:
You may be given a choice to live on or off base. DoD Civilians make up 10% of the housing capacity. If the base is at that limit you will be living off base. The realty market is VERY different than stateside. Realty/rental offices off base do not share listings. Options in finding housing include: the base housing office listings by area, visits to local realty offices and getting word of mouth information from current employees. You can also use the Yokosuka Living Off Base Facebook page to get information about living off base. There are pros and cons to living off base so be open to the opportunities! Costs to rent include first and last month’s rent, realtor fee and landlord fee; which are one month’s rent each and is paid upfront - initial housing expenses range from $5,000 to $10,000. You can look at the Department of State website for more information on allowances. Planning and budgeting ahead of time is key when deciding where to move within the Japanese community.
Having said that about housing costs, there is good news! Stateside transferring personnel can request Advance of Pay (DSSR Section 850), an interest-free salary advance in an amount of up to three months of pay and may be requested no earlier than one month prior to departure from the previous duty station (PDS) and no later than two months after arrival at the foreign duty station. The maximum amount to be advanced will be the employee's base pay for six pay periods. The advance is repaid through equal deductions over the next 26 pay periods. Deductions will begin on the first pay period after the advance is made. The employee must agree to immediate lump-sum repayment of the outstanding balance if employment is terminated prior to liquidation of the advance pay amount.
Please go to the Department of State Advance of Pay webpage for more detailed information.