Range Operations personnel support all users of the NBTF range test sites. NBTF supports customers by coordinating tests, cruises, and related logistics, loading equipment and supplying vessel operators and maintenance support.
Range Operations personnel oversee management of the NBTF Enterprise and its facilities, the maintenance, design and construction of improvements and upgrades on the range craft, and provide range users with custom test support and adequate assurance of safe operations.
Marine Operations personnel, under an M&O contract with NUWC Division Newport, perform maintenance and repairs on all NBTF vessels, vehicles and equipment, in addition to providing test support via Navy or contracted vessels. Marine Operations also fabricates improvements or modifications for NBTF equipment or arranges through their business office for outside vendors to provide needed materials and labor not available in-house. Marine Operations personnel are responsible for providing safe, reliable and modern equipment under CFR and NUWC Division Newport safety standards.
The NBTF ranges, test support, and vessels are available for use to all NUWC Division Newport Departments. NBTF equipment and staff are also available to other government entities, research institutions, and industry partners (under Work for Private Party (WFPP) Agreements).
NBTF ranges and vessels are reserved for use by filling out a range request form package. Range Request forms are available in the NBTF Range Operations Office in Building 119 located on the waterfront at Stillwater Basin. You may call the Range Operations Office (401-832-3763) to discuss range and vessel reservations, logistics, and other requirements for tests.
Range Operations policy for scheduling priority is that Fleet support receives top priority, and non-fleet support is scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. If there is a scheduling priority conflict, priorities may need to be decided at the department head level.
All NBTF range craft are operated by qualified M&O contractor personnel.
Rate structure for Ranges and vessels are reviewed annually and administered by the NBTF business office. Charges for range and vessel usage is on an “as completed” basis and payable from the users internal NUWC funds, or transferred via Work Request. Funding for WFPP arrangements is funded prior to testing on an “estimated cost” basis.