As a newly hired federal employee (including those returning from a break in service or transferring from another agency), your first several days of employment will be in our comprehensive Onboarding Program designed to prepare you for your first day on the job. During Onboarding, we'll teach you about federal employment basics, important policies, and the structure and culture of NSWC Crane. We'll also ensure that you have a Common Access Card (Navy badge) and know how to access important civilian websites to help you manage your federal career.

Below are sections provided for your reference.

Reminders on what to bring on your first day: 

(If you do not bring these documents, you will NOT be processed in)

  • Proof of U.S. Citizenship. Acceptable documents are:
    • Original or certified copy of a birth certificate issued by a state, county, municipal authority or outlying possession of the US bearing an official seal
    • A valid U.S. Passport (if you bring this, you do not need to provide a birth certificate)
    • Original Naturalization Certificate
  • If you were in active-duty military service, a copy of your Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD-214) Member Copy 4 for each period of active duty unless previously provided to your hiring specialist.
  • Valid Driver's License.
You will be contacted via email by Onboarding with specific guidance and instructions on completion of all required documentation prior to your first day of employment.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Onboarding Team.   Also, please review your benefits prior to  reporting for your first day of employment.

If your offer letter states you are entitled to PCS (Permanent Change of Station) or TCS (Temporary Change of Station) reimbursement, be sure to contact our travel office to make necessary arrangements.  Phone:  812-854-6392

  • Click *HERE* only if you are entitled to PCS for First Duty Travel Instructions
  • Click *HERE* only if you are a Government Transfer & are entitled to PCS or TCS

All devices capable of recording, transmitting or exporting photographic images or audible information of any kind are prohibited in NSWC Crane spaces.  This includes, but is not limited to; personal computers, personal portable electronic devices (PEDs), electronic voice recorders or tape recorders.  PEDs include devices like iPODs and MP3 players, two-way pagers, personal digital assistants, removable storage devices and handheld tablets/laptop computers.

General Notice of Drug Testing for New Employees         
NSWC Crane adheres to the DoD Civilian Employee Drug-Free Workplace Program pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 12564 (Reference (c)) and section 7301 note of title 5, United States Code (U.S.C.) (Reference (d)) in compliance with the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing Programs (Reference (e)).

Prior Military Service                   

NOTE:  For verification of a Military Retiree’s Services in Wartime Campaigns or Expeditions, the following SF-813 form must be completed and brought to Onboarding.  DO NOT MAIL THIS FORM as stated on page 2 of instructions.

  1. Active Service with a disability retirement, when the disability was caused by either of the following:         
    1. Instrumentality of war
    2. Injury/disease received in the line of duty, as a direct result of armed conflict

      This information can usually be found on the retirement order or other military documents found in the military record.  If this information is requested, and cannot be found in the record, loan and transfer the record to the appropriate service branch headquarters.
  2. Active service performed during a war period, which can be verified by the separation document.                             
  3. Inclusive dates of active participation in a non-wartime armed conflict, which is referred to as a campaign or expedition.

Remember only campaign participation is creditable on the SF-813.  Only the following awards represent campaigns:

Navy Occupation Medal

China Service Medal (Extended)

Korean Service Medal

Vietnam Service Medal

Southwest Asia Service Medal           

If you have not done so already, please complete the CyberAwareness Challenge as soon as possible.

Cyber Awareness Challenge               


1. Open the following link to complete the "CyberAwareness Challenge Version 4.0".

2. Follow through the entire presentation and print the certificate at the end of the training and bring it with you on your first day of orientation.

3. Please save an electronic copy of your certificate so it can be uploaded into your personnel file once it is established.