Reminders on what to bring on your first day:
(If you do not
bring these documents, you will NOT be processed in)
- Proof of U.S. Citizenship. Acceptable documents are:
- Original or certified copy of a birth certificate issued by a
state, county, municipal authority or outlying possession of the US bearing an
official seal
- A valid U.S. Passport (if you bring this, you do not need to provide a birth certificate)
- Original Naturalization Certificate
- If you were in active-duty military service, a copy of your
Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD-214) Member Copy 4 for
each period of active duty unless previously provided to your hiring
- Valid Driver's License.
You will be contacted via email by
Onboarding with specific guidance and instructions on completion of all
required documentation prior to your first day of employment. If you have any
questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Onboarding Team. Also,
please review your benefits prior
to reporting for your first day of employment.
If your offer letter states you are entitled to PCS (Permanent Change of
Station) or TCS (Temporary Change of Station) reimbursement, be sure to contact
our travel office to make necessary arrangements. Phone: 812-854-6392
- Click *HERE*
only if you are entitled to PCS for First Duty Travel Instructions
- Click *HERE*
only if you are a Government Transfer & are entitled to PCS or TCS
All devices capable of recording, transmitting or
exporting photographic images or audible information of any kind are prohibited
in NSWC Crane spaces. This includes, but is not limited to; personal computers,
personal portable electronic devices (PEDs), electronic voice recorders or tape
recorders. PEDs include devices like iPODs and MP3 players, two-way pagers,
personal digital assistants, removable storage devices and handheld
tablets/laptop computers.