May 24, 2019
Safety and Occupational Health Policy Statement
The U.S. Navy’s policy is to provide a safe and healthy work environment for our workforce. This policy has my full and wholehearted support. My support alone will not guarantee the safe workplace that you deserve. Safety is everyone’s responsibility. Your vigilance and active participation in complying with these requirements is required to ensure U.S. Naval Ship Repair Facility and Japan Regional Maintenance Center (SRF-JRMC) Yokosuka and Detachment Sasebo, is the safest workplace possible. Your safety and wellbeing is a matter of paramount importance to me. When it comes to safety, I will not tolerate compromises.
Safety permeates everything we do. Our strategic plan incorporates safety into a number of our guiding principles and our safety committee exists, not because of regulation, but because we want it to be a part of all that you do—a way of life, both on and off the job. We can attain a mishap-free work environment and continue to “keep the U.S. 7th Fleet operationally ready.” To do this, I pledge my support and ask for the support of the entire SRF-JRMC team. We have achieved an exceptional safety record, as demonstrated by our receipt of the secretary of the Navy’s safety award in the years 1999–2019, 2014 and 2007–2012. We must continue to strive for the safe workplace that is a hallmark of SRF-JRMC work practices in the past and into the future. I fully expect that when it comes to safety, you will work with me to continue to improve on our already-high standards of occupational safety and help take them to even higher levels.
To ensure we always provide the most effective safety and health protection to SRF-JRMC employees, I challenge each of you to demonstrate your personal ownership for safety, as a part of our safety culture, through the following principles:
- We will encourage total commitment from top management to each worker to actively participate in improving our safety culture, and we strive to attain a world-class safety and health environment.
- We are committed to integrate personnel safety compliance into all work evolutions, ensuring we identify hazards associated with every step of the process and then reduce to an acceptable risk.
- We will be committed to do the right thing, motivating each other to watch out for their teammates in identifying unsafe conditions and near-misses and properly using personal protective equipment.
- We will train each other in the ideals and concepts of operational risk management (ORM) to maintain a safe and healthy environment for ourselves, our coworkers, and our entire community.
NANDEMO DEKIMASU – ANZEN DAIICHI (“We can do anything – safety first!”)
我々の行う業務全てに安全は関わっています。経営戦略計画の基本方針の一つに安全を掲げ、部隊に安全委員会が存在するのは規則で定められているからではありません。それは我々が皆さんに、部隊内外に関わらず、常に安全に過ごして欲しいからなのです。我々の部隊が事故の無い職場環境を築きつつ“第7艦隊の艦船を常に機能出来る状態に保つ”ことは可能であり、私は最大限の支援をすることを確約します。我々は安全に関して類い稀なる記録を有しており、SECNAV safety award(米海軍長官安全表彰)を1999年から2001年、2007年から2012年そして2014年に受賞していることは、それを証明しています。SRF-JRMCはこれらの受賞歴が示すような安全な職場環境作りに日々邁進をしなければなりません。そして、既に高い水準にある安全衛生の基準を維持し、更にその水準を向上させる為に私は皆さんと共に歩んで行きます。
- 私達は、トップレベルの監督者から従業員一人一人に至るまで、全員が安全文化の更なる向上へ積極的にそして深く関与し、世界に誇ることの出来る労働安全衛生環境を実現する。
- 私達は、全ての作業において個人が安全規則に準拠することを目指し、作業工程一つ一つに存在する危険を明確にし、それらのリスクを許容可能なレベルまで低減させる。
- 私達は、常に正しい行動をとる。危険な作業環境やニアミスの報告をし、適切な保護具を使用することを通してチームメイト同士がお互いに意識を高め合う。
- 私達は、各個人にとって、同僚にとって、そして部隊内外のコミュニティーにとって、安全で健康的な職場環境を維持する為にoperational risk management(ORM:作業危険管理)における理念や概念についてお互いにコーチングし合う。
何でも出来ます – 安全第一