Command Master Chief
CMDCM Thomas D. Howell
United States Navy
Command Master Chief Howell hails from Winnfield, LA and enlisted in the U.S. Navy in July 2001. After completing Boot Camp at RTC Great Lakes, he attended Personnelman “A” School in Meridian, MS. His first duty assignment was on USS Essex (LHD 2) in Sasebo, Japan where he served as the Personnel Leading Petty Officer and completed a nine-month deployment to the Northern Arabian Gulf in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
His subsequent tours include Navy Personnel Command in Millington, TN where he served as the ITEMPO and CSB/REDUX program manager for the Navy and was advanced to Chief Petty Officer; Strike Fighter Squadron ONE ZERO TWO, where he served as the Administrative Department LCPO and was awarded the Senior Enlisted Leadership Award; USS Fitzgerald (DDG 62), where he served as the Executive Department LCPO, stood watch as Anti-Surface Warfare Coordinator (ASUWC), and was advanced to Senior Chief Petty Officer; and Commander, Navy Region Hawaii where he served as the Regional Program Director for Navy Wounded Warrior, and as the Region Command Master Chief.
Command Master Chief Howell reported to his first Command Master Chief assignment on USS McCampbell in June of 2018, completing multiple patrols in support of regional stability in the INDOPACOM Area of Responsibility. After a successful tour at U.S. Naval Air Facility Misawa where he was the driving force behind joint and bilateral relations from August 2020-2022, he reported to U.S. Naval Ship Repair Facility, Japan Regional Maintenance Center where he currently serves as the Command Master Chief.
Master Chief Howell is an Honor Graduate of the Senior Enlisted Academy Class 192, and Command Master Chief/Chief of the Boat Class 186. He holds an Associate of Science Degree in Management from Park University.
Command Master Chief Howell’s personal decorations include: Meritorious Service Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal; Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal; and various unit and campaign awards, including five Battle “E” awards.
ハウエル部隊最上級兵曹長(CMC)はロサンゼルス州ウィンフィールド出身で、2001年7月に米海軍に入隊した。五大湖新人訓練部隊にてブートキャンプを修了後、ミシシッピ州メリディアンの人事係「A」スクールに所属した。最初の配属は佐世保のUSSエセックス(LDH 2)で、人事担当主席兵曹として任務にあたり、イラクの自由作戦を支援するため、アラビア湾北部で9か月間展開した。
その後、テネシー州ミリントンの海軍人事部隊で、海軍のITEMPO及びCSB/REDUXプログラムマネージャーに就き、兵曹長に昇進;第102戦闘攻撃飛行隊のアドミンデパートメント主席兵曹長在任中に上級下士官リーダーシップ賞を受賞;USSフィッツジェラルド(DDG 62)にてエグゼキュティブデパートメント主席兵曹長に就き、対水上戦コーディネーター(ASUWC)として監視にあたり、上級兵曹長に昇進;米海軍ハワイ地区司令部にて傷痍軍人地区プログラムディレクターに就き、地区最上級兵曹長に就任した。
受賞した勲章には、メリトリアスサービスメダル勲章、海軍・海兵隊功労勲章、海軍・海兵隊任務完遂勲章、及びバトルEアワード(5回受賞)など様々な 部隊記章や戦役章がある。