June 13, 2022
Anti-Harassment Policy Statement
As the Commanding Officer, I expect each member of the SRF-JRMC team to cultivate a work environment that fosters dignity and respect. It is our collective and individual responsibility to ensure SRF-JRMC is free of all forms of workplace harassment.
SRF-JRMC will not tolerate harassment by anyone in the workplace. This policy applies to supervisors, co-workers, non-employees, Sailors, U.S. Civilian employees (USCS), Master Labor Contract (MLC) personnel, and Contractors. Workplace harassment may subject offenders to disciplinary action for misconduct, even if it does not rise to the level of unlawful harassment. Cases involving offenders who are not SRF personnel will be referred to the applicable supervisors for action.
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, defines harassment as unwelcome conduct based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity), national origin, age (40 or older), disability, or genetic information. Harassment becomes unlawful where: (1) enduring the offensive conduct becomes a condition of continued employment; or (2) the conduct is severe or pervasive enough to create a work environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, hostile, or abusive.
Per SECNAVINST 5300.26D, Sexual harassment is defined as a form of sex discrimination that involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: (1) Submission to or rejection of such conduct is made, either explicitly or implicitly, a term or condition of a person's job, pay, or career, or (2) Submission to or rejection of such conduct by a person is used as a basis for career or employment decisions affecting that person, or (3) Such conduct interferes with an individual's performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.
Other forms of workplace harassment may not yet be unlawful but are still considered to be inappropriate and unprofessional conduct that could subject offenders to disciplinary action for misconduct. For example, power harassment is a form of abuse of authority that is recognized in Japan and will soon be punishable under Japanese law. Some forms of workplace bullying may not constitute unlawful harassment but will still violate this policy if such conduct is unwelcome, offensive, and objectively harmful to one or more employees.
Examples of prohibited conduct (this list is not exhaustive):
- Telling racial or ethnic jokes.
- Teasing, mimicking, or repeatedly commenting on an individual’s disability or accent.
- Coercing an employee into an unwelcome sexual relationship and then rewarding the employee with a promotion.
- Reassigning, transferring, taking disciplinary action or denying a promotion to an employee because s/he rejected sexual advances from the supervisor.
- Making offensive comments, jokes, or suggestions about an employee’s sexual orientation.
- Belittling caricatures or objects depicting persons of a particular race, national origin, or religion.
- Making obscene or lewd comments, jokes, or gestures.
- Commenting on an employee’s body or sexual characteristics.
- Displaying nude or sexually suggestive objects, pictures, images, or cartoons.
- Laughing at, ignoring, or retaliating against an employee who reports or objects to harassment.
Although it is not required, employees who believe they are being harassed are encouraged to confront the harasser, stating that such behavior is offensive and unwelcome.
Options for Reporting Harassment.
USN Sailors may use any appropriate avenue open to them by contacting their respective Command Managed Equal Opportunity (CMEO) Advisor.
USCS employees may report harassment to their supervisor or by contacting the DON Office of EEO,Overseas Japan, located on Yokosuka Naval Base, Building A-20, 2nd deck or by calling: DSN: 243-9579; COMM: 046-816- 9579 or email: M-YO-CNRJEEO@FE.NAVY.MIL.
MLC employees may report concerns or incidents of wrongdoing to their chain-of-command.
All individuals. When reporting to the chain-of-command has failed or is not practical, employees should make detailed and factual reports to the Command Inspector General Hotline by calling: DSN: 243-1115; COMM: 046-816-1115 or e-mail: srfjrmc.ighotline@srf.navy.mil or on Yokosuka Naval Base, at Building 2046, 2nd deck, room to speak to an IG representative.
While SRF-JRMC does not have the authority to address contractor-on-contractor issues pertaining to harassment, it is expected that all contractors on SRF-JRMC facilities will refrain from engaging in harassing conduct. Contractor-on-contractor allegations shall be referred to the appropriate contracting official(s). In instances where a contractor is alleging harassing conduct by a civilian employee or military member, the allegations should be reported to the chain of command of the alleged offender and referred to the appropriate contracting official(s).
Anti-Harassment Complaint Process - Intake, Investigation, Decision-Making.
Reports of harassment will be promptly, thoroughly, and impartially investigated, and when harassment is determined to have occurred, immediate and appropriate corrective action will be taken.
Upon receiving notice of an allegation of harassment, management will conduct an investigation or designate an appropriate individual to do so. The investigation will be initiated within 10 calendar days of receiving notice of the allegation. Any information gathered as part of an investigation and the identity of an individual who submits a report, witnesses who provide information regarding a report, and the target of the complaint, will be kept confidential to the extent possible consistent with a thorough and impartial investigation.
After reviewing the investigation, an appropriate management official will decide if harassment has occurred and if so, will recommend and/or take corrective action. Investigation, decision-making, and corrective action should be completed within 60 calendar days of receiving notice of the allegation.
Any employee who is found to have committed harassment will be subject to corrective and/or disciplinary action. All SRF-JRMC employees must participate in annual and continuous training in the prevention of harassment, as prescribed by directive and leadership at all levels shall ensure the workforce possesses the knowledge to prevent and respond to harassment.
Responsibilities of all supervisory employees. All managers and supervisors shall enforce this policy through credible leadership and shall not condone or ignore harassment of which they have knowledge.
Protection against retaliation. An individual who submits a report (either of harassment experienced or observed) or a witness who provides information regarding a report and shall be protected from retaliation from co-workers and supervisors. SRF-JRMC will not tolerate adverse treatment of any individual for making a report of harassing conduct under this policy, or for providing information related to such reports. Any personnel who engage in retaliatory behavior will be subject to appropriate corrective and/or disciplinary action.
Notice of other processes and resources.
This policy is separate from the statutory Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) discrimination complaint process. Filing a report under this anti-harassment policy does not satisfy the requirements to initiate the EEO complaint process, nor does it delay the time limits for initiating that process. A civilian employee who wishes to pursue an EEO complaint pursuant to 29 C.F.R. § 1614 for unlawful discrimination, including harassment or retaliation, must contact an EEO counselor within 45 days from the date of the alleged discriminatory action. To speak with an EEO counselor, contact the EEO office at 243-7092 or 243-8163.
Civilian employees may also utilize the negotiated grievance procedure, if applicable, or the Navy’s administrative grievance system (SECNAVINST 127771.2). Grievance procedures may be used even if the unwelcome conduct is not based on a protected category (e.g., race, sex, religion, age, disability, etc.). Employees can contact their servicing Human Resources Office for more information. The Department of the Navy's (DON) Sexual Harassment Advice Line is also available at 1-800-253-0931. It is not a forum for reporting harassment but provides an avenue to confidentially ask questions and obtain advice about sexual harassment issues.
This policy statement shall be posted on all official bulletin boards and disseminated annually to all SRF-JRMC employees, managers, and supervisors.
SECNAVINST 5300.26Dでは、以下のいずれかに該当する、望まれていない性的なアプローチ、性的な要求、または性的な内容に関する言動をセクシャル・ハラスメントと定義しています:
- 個人の障害や訛をからかい、真似し、またはこれについて繰り返し何か言うこと
- 従業員に迷惑な性的関係を強要し、その従業員に昇進という報酬を与えること
- 監督者からの性的な誘いを拒否したことを理由に、従業員の配置転換、異動、制裁措置、または昇進を拒否すること
- 従業員の性的指向について、不快なコメント、冗談、または提案をすること
- 特定の人種、国籍、宗教の人を描いた風刺画や物を誹謗中傷すること
- わいせつまたは淫らなコメント、冗談、ジェスチャーをすること
- 従業員の身体的または性的特徴について何か言うこと
- ヌードまたは性的示唆に富む物、写真、画像、漫画などを見せること
- ハラスメントを報告したり異議を唱える従業員を笑ったり、無視したり、報復すること
義務ではありませんが、ハラスメントを受けていると感じている従業員は、その 言動は不快であり、迷惑である旨を当人に伝えることを勧めます。
軍属は、直属の監督者または横須賀基地 A-20 ビル 2 階にある海軍省雇用機会均等オフィス日本支部(内線 243-9579;外線 046-816-9579;メール M-YO-CNRJEEO@FE.NAVY.MIL)にハラスメントを報告することができます。
MLC 従業員はだれでも、指揮命令系統を通じて懸念や不法行為を報告することができます。
すべての従業員へ。指揮命令系統を通じた報告が機能しない、または現実的ではない場合、従業員は部隊監査室ホットラインに詳細且つ事実に基づいた報告を電話(内線 243-1115;外線046-816-1115、メールsrfjrmc.ighotline@srf.navy.mil)、または横須賀基地 2046 ビル 2 階にあるオフィスの監察官に報告してください。
SRF-JRMCは、ハラスメントに関する契約会社 社員間の問題に対処する権限はありませんが、SRF-JRMC施設内のすべての契約会社社員は、ハラスメント行為に関与しないことが期待され ています。契約会社社員間での申し立ては該当する契約会社 担当者に照会されます。契約会社社員が軍属または軍人のハラスメント行為を訴える場合、その申し立ては訴えられている違反者の指揮命令系統に報告され、該当する契約会社 担当者に照会されます。
いやがらせ防止のための通報手順 - 聞き取り、調査、措置決定