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Tag: Leadership

NSWC PCD Women in Leadership Panel celebrates past, present and future One Team impact
April 12, 2022
The Federal Women’s Program at Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division (NSWC PCD) served as the driving force behind an event which highlighted the various ways women contribute in their personal and professional lives by hosting a Women’s History Panel on March 29. Seven female panelist were selected to represent the seven departments across the command to celebrate their accomplishments, discuss a variety of topics that affect the workforce culture, and to shine a spotlight on the importance these panel opportunities bring. (courtesy graphic)

NSWC PCD employees selected to NAVSEA Next Generation Leader Program
November 16, 2021
Two Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division  employees, Teresa Kalinowski, and Michael Rabb, are selected to participate in Naval Sea Systems Command’s Next Generation Leadership Program.

NSWC Panama City Division graduates inaugural leadership training cohort
October 18, 2021

Women Evolve Into Leadership Roles at NSWC Dahlgren Division
April 12, 2021
IMAGE: DAHLGREN, Va. – Robin Lacy assumed duties as the Integrated Combat Systems Department head at the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division, March 2. The senior scientific technical manager assures the department is meeting the technological needs of the Fleet in spite of the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. “The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the ongoing commitment and innovation of our teams to meet current warfighter needs through continued product deliveries and ship installations,” she said. (U.S. Navy photo/Released)

PSNS & IMF pins four Sailors to chief petty officer
January 29, 2021
Chief Petty Officer selects Matthew Bernstein, Devin Donohue, Austin Rhodes and Mark Robbins, with Puget Sound Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility, were pinned to the rank of chief petty officer during a ceremony Jan. 29, 2021, at Olympic Lodge on Naval Base Kitsap-Bremerton, Washington. The ceremony had limited attendees, with participants and attendees socially distanced to adhere to COVID-19 protective protocols.

NSWCDD Hispanic Leaders Ensure Crucial Technologies Delivered to Warfighters Throughout Pandemic
October 19, 2020
IMAGE: DAHLGREN, Va. (Sept. 21, 2020) – Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) Hispanic leaders – including those pictured in front of NSWCDD headquarters during 2020 National Hispanic Heritage Month – are developing and delivering new and emerging technologies to the Fleet in spite of current challenges, because they know it bolsters the effectiveness, morale, and readiness of warfighters to fight, win and return safely. Left to right are Camille Ward, Moises Iglesias-Colon, Lory Santiago-Mendez, Jessica Delgado, Leyla Hernandez and Dr. Luis Rodriguez. Not pictured are John Colon, Felix Lopez and Javier Villanueva. (U.S. Navy photo/Released)

NSWCPD’s 2020 JLL Program Graduates Share Insights
October 14, 2020
Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) Executive Director Jim Smerchansky and Commander Vice Adm. William Galinis attend the virtual graduation of 2020 Cadre VI Journey Level Leaders (JLL) Program on September 18. (U.S. Navy photo by Brentan Debysingh/Released)

NSWCPD Hosts First Virtual Leadership and Innovation Speakers Series
September 9, 2020
Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD) hosted the Command’s first virtual Leadership and Innovation Speakers Series on Sept. 1 with guest speaker Dr. Marina Theodotou, Outreach and Engagement Lead in the Operations and Analytics Center for the User Experience Directorate at the Department of Defense (DoD) Defense Acquisition University. Pictured above is a screenshot from the virtual meeting with Theodotou at the top left; NSWCPD’s Commanding Officer, CAPT Dana Simon, top right; and NSWCPD’s Technical Director, Tom Perotti, on the bottom right. (U.S. Navy Photo by Keegan Rammel)

NSWCPD Kicks Off Leadership and Innovation Speakers Series
January 29, 2020
Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD) kicked off the 2020 Leadership and Innovation Speaker Series season with guest speaker Pat Tamburrino Jr on Jan. 23. Tamburrino shared his insights on leadership highlighting the importance for leaders to be a part of the team they lead and to empower the people their team members. (U.S. Navy photo by Kirsten. St. Peter/Released)

NSWC Philadelphia Division Leaders Encourage Branch Heads to Continue “Expanding the Advantage”
January 7, 2020
Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD) Technical Director Tom Perotti addresses NSWCPD’s Branch Head Forum on Dec. 12, 2019. Perotti, along with NSWCPD Commanding Officer Capt. Dana Simon, provided their perspectives on the November 2019 Naval Sea Systems Command Leadership Forum, including encouraging attendees to continue to “expand the advantage” and to work with a “sense of urgency.” (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communications Specialist 1st Class John Banfield/released)