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US Navy’s Knifefish UUV Program Achieves Milestone C
August 26, 2019
MASSACHUSETTS BAY (May 13, 2019) Senior Chief Mineman Abraham Garcia, left, and Aerographer’s Mate 1st Class Joshua Gaskill, members of the Knifefish unmanned undersea vehicle (UUV) test team, man tending lines during crane operations as part of an operational assessment conducted by members from Operational Test and Evaluation Force (OPTEVFOR)

US Navy Releases Request for Proposals for Medium Unmanned Surface Vehicle
July 16, 2019

Mine Countermeasures Mission Package Completes Integration Testing of Unmanned Vehicles
January 24, 2019
Testing of the Unmanned Influence Sweep System off littoral combat ship USS Independence (LCS 2) in San Diego.

Navy Accepts Final Component for LCS Anti-Submarine Warfare Mission Package
December 4, 2018
Rear Adm. John Neagley, Program Executive Officer for Unmanned and Small Combatants, poses with sailors attached to USS Forth Worth (LCS 3) at a test event for the DART mission system at the Harbor Branch Oceanographic
Institute in Fort Pierce, Florida.

Future USS Sioux City to arrive in Annapolis for Commissioning
November 5, 2018

PEO USC Program Office wins two Navy acquisition awards
October 16, 2018

Navy Completes Lightweight Torpedo Defense Mission Module Testing
May 4, 2018

New Name for Navy PEO
March 22, 2018
The Navy announced March 22, 2018, that it is renaming Program Executive Office Littoral Combat Ship (PEO LCS) as Program Executive Office, Unmanned and Small Combatants (PEO USC) to better align the course and scope of responsibilities for both manned and unmanned systems to meet combatant commander needs.