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NSWCDD Profile: Dr. Daniel F. Wallace
January 31, 2018
IMAGE: Dr. Daniel F. Wallace - Technical Warrant Holder for Displays and Human Factors Engineering-Surface Ship Warfare Systems (SEA 05W), at NSWC Dahlgren Division

NAVSEA Commander Launches Tour of Navy Warfare Centers, Sees Campaign Plan in Action
January 31, 2018
IMAGE: DAHLGREN, Va. (Jan. 16, 2018) – Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) Innovation Lab (iLab) Director of Innovation Nelson Mills briefs the Commander of Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) Vice Adm. Thomas Moore, NAVSEA Command Master Chief Robert Crossno, and NSWCDD Commanding Officer Capt. Gus Weekes, on the use of digital collaboration tables as visual aids for surface ships. The collaboration table could provide capabilities to view ship doctrine, navigation tracks, radar information, and Automatic Identification System information for situational awareness. The iLab – equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, services, and trained personnel – opened for business last summer as an intensive collaborative environment where the command's experts work to speed up and maximize corporate innovative solutions across the laboratory. 

The iLab was one stop in the admiral's tour of Dahlgren, which gave him an opportunity to meet with the command's leaders, scientists, and engineers. It was the first in a series of scheduled visits to the NAVSEA Warfare Center divisions under the theme of “Warfare Centers – The Campaign Plan in Action.” While at the iLab, Weekes briefed the NAVSEA commander on Dahlgren technical programs, including directed energy, electromagnetic railgun, chemical, biological, and radiological defense, as well as leadership development. Moore's Campaign Plan is focused on three mission priorities: on-time delivery of ships and submarines, culture of affordability, and cybersecurity. These priorities address today's challenges and provide the focus to achieve NAVSEA's mission and support the Fleet.

"Integrating to Win" - 30th Annual Surface Navy Association Symposium
January 11, 2018
IMAGE: Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Commander, Rear Admiral Tom Druggan; NSWC Chief Technology Officer, Dr. Megan Fillinich (SSTM); NSWC Dahlgren Division Commanding Officer, Capt. Gus Weekes; NSWC Carderock Division Commanding Officer, Capt. Mark Vandroff; and  NSWC Chief Engineering Officer, Capt. Steven Murray, discuss how the NAVSEA Warfare Centers are "Integrating to Win" at the 30th annual Surface Navy Association symposium, Jan. 10. The "Integrating to Win" panel discussion featured enabling technologies such as electric drive, distribution and modularity and today's electromagnetic warfare technologies.