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U.S. Marine Corps Generals and Senior Officers Visit NSWC Dahlgren Division
March 8, 2018
IMAGE: DAHLGREN, Va. (Feb, 23, 2018) - U.S. Marine Corps officers led by Maj. Gen. David Coffman, center, and pictured to his left, Brig. Gen. Matt Trollinger, join Capt. Godfrey 'Gus' Weekes, Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) commanding officer, center next to Coffman, and NSWCDD leadership in front of the Navy's electromagnetic railgun prototype launcher. NSWCDD engineers briefed the Marine Corps leaders on electromagnetic launchers, hypervelocity projectiles, directed energy weapons, unmanned autonomous systems, and the 155mm moving target artillery round. The Marines saw NSWCDD facilities and the command's capability to develop and integrate complex warfare systems, including the ability to incorporate electric weapons technology into existing and future fighting forces and platforms. Coffman is the director of the U.S. Navy Expeditionary Warfare Division. Trollinger is the Operations Division director for Plans, Policies, and Operations at U.S. Marine Corps Headquarters. Dale Sisson, NSWCDD deputy technical director, is pictured to Weekes' right. Tom Boucher, Office of Naval Research Railgun Program manager, is pictured to the left of Trollinger. Chester Petry, NSWCDD electromagnetic railgun lead systems engineer, stands center back row.

Sly Fox Mission 22 Scientists and Engineers Recognized at NSWC Dahlgren Division Leadership Meeting
March 8, 2018
IMAGE: DAHLGREN, Va. (Feb. 26, 2018) - Five members of the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) Sly Fox Mission 22 team - Michael Parkison, Jamshaid Chaudhry, Michelle Craft, Joseph Gills, and Allen Woods - hold the Sly Fox Awards they received from NSWCDD Commanding Officer Capt. Godfrey 'Gus' Weekes and NSWCDD Technical Director John Fiore at the command's leadership meeting. They were among seven Sly Fox Mission 22 members honored for developing a rapid prototyping technology called the Collaborative Aerial Network for the Autonomous Remote Engagement System (CANARES) - fully integrated with an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), an unmanned ground vehicle, and a command and control station. The unmanned vehicle - dubbed the Weaponized Autonomous System Prototype (WASP) - was integrated by the team with a UAV to provide an aerial perspective for increased situational awareness. Navy civilian and military personnel witnessed the Mission 22 demonstration of CANARES as it quickly and effectively detected, tracked, and engaged target after target on the Potomac River Test Range at a September demonstration. For more news and information on CANARES technology and its demonstration, the full story - U.S. Navy Mission 22 Team Develops 'Game Changing' Unmanned Capability - is available via this link: http://www.navsea.navy.mil/Media/News/Article/1369371/us-navy-mission-22-team-develops-game-changing-unmanned-capability.  (U.S. Navy photo by Bill Tremper/Released)

Local Students and NSWC Dahlgren Mentor Make STEM Connection - Demonstrate Effects of Liquid Nitrogen
March 2, 2018
IMAGE: FREDERICKSBURG, Va. - Navy engineer Josh Taylor conducts a liquid nitrogen demonstration with students at the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) Summit hosted by the Fredericksburg Academy, Feb. 24. Taylor - a Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) STEM mentor - and the students discussed the Ideal Gas Law, and how it relates different attributes of a fluid. In the picture, they are exposing the inflated balloons to liquid nitrogen and observing that the volume of air inside the balloons decreased as the temperature decreased. Taylor and the students then discussed and demonstrated how changes in temperature could be used to produce kinetic energy, and how temperature changes could affect the behavior of materials. For example, they made flowers shatter like glass, tennis balls that would not bounce, and rubber bands that cracked. 
    "I really enjoyed talking to students and answering their questions, not just about basic principles, but introducing concepts that one doesn't normally explore until college," said Taylor. "I think Dahlgren mentors play a crucial part at venues like this because we help students make a connection between ideas they learn in school and real work they could do one day. Personally, I've met many students who were inspired by events like this to engage the sciences and applied sciences not just as homework - but as a vocation."

University of Virginia Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) Midshipmen Visit NSWC Dahlgren Division
March 2, 2018
IMAGE: DAHLGREN, Va. (Feb. 23, 2018) - University of Virginia Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) Midshipmen pause in front of a U.S. Navy 16-inch battleship gun on the parade field during their tour of Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD). Lt. Aaron Brotman, assistant professor of naval science for the university's ROTC program, left, and Chris Hodge, NSWCDD director of technical development, are pictured with the 14 Midshipmen in front of a gun that served aboard USS New Jersey (BB-62) before it was retired to Naval Support Facility Dahlgren. Navy scientists and engineers briefed the future naval officers on technologies and facilities such as warfare analysis, laser weapon testing and development, and MOATS - the Maginot' Open Air Test Site. MOATS has been specifically designed for testing the radio frequency susceptibility of electronic equipment to potential high power microwave weapon systems. The Midshipmen saw how NSWCDD engineers conduct lethality work impacting the evaluation of high energy laser technology in addition to the design and development process required to integrate future laser weapon systems in various platforms. NSWCDD scientists and engineers discussed various aspects of electrical and computer engineering, including systems the ROTC Midshipmen would be interacting with as Navy and Marine Corps officers.

Navy Railgun Lines Named for Two Electromagnetic Railgun Visionaries at Ceremony
February 27, 2018
IMAGE: DAHLGREN, Va. (Feb. 22, 2018) – Capt. Godfrey 'Gus' Weekes, right, Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division commanding officer, and Donald McCormack, left, executive director of the Naval Surface and Undersea Warfare Centers, present commemorative plaques to retired Adm. James Hogg, second from left, and Dr. Hans Mark, during an electromagnetic railgun line naming ceremony. As public servants, Hogg and Mark laid the foundation for the U.S. Navy Railgun Program and led the effort to explore and illustrate to senior leadership the warfighting advantages of this game-changing technology and were pivotal in gaining the initial funding necessary to demonstrate its feasibility. (U.S. Navy photo by John F. Williams/Released)

Civil Rights Leader Recounts Civil War, Civil Rights Heroes at Navy Observance
February 21, 2018
IMAGE: KING GEORGE, Va. (Feb. 14, 2018) - Dr. Frank Smith holds the Dahlgren history book, "The Sound of Freedom," he just received from Capt. Godfrey "Gus" Weekes, Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) commanding officer, while the two shake hands at the 2018 African American and Black History Month Observance. As the event's keynote speaker, Dr. Smith - Director of the African American Civil War Museum in Washington, DC. - focused on this year's theme, "African Americans in Times of War," which recognizes contributions African Americans made to the nation during times of war from the Revolutionary War to present-day conflicts.

Combat Direction Systems Activity Honors African American Heroes and History with Dramatic Readings
February 16, 2018
IMAGE: VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - Employees from Combat Direction Systems Activity Dam Neck gave dramatic readings of eight African American heroes during CDSA’s African American History Month celebration. Heroes who were dramatically portrayed included (bottom row) Jesse Owens and (top row, left to right) Zora Neale Hurston, Thurgood Marshall, Dr Martin Luther King, Jr., Mary McLeod Bethune, Daisy Bates, Michelle Obama and Carl Brashear.

Hampton University Visits NSWC Dahlgren
February 7, 2018
IMAGE: DAHLGREN, Va. (Feb. 2, 2018) - Hampton University officials, professors, and students are pictured with leaders from Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) at the NSWCDD High Power Laser Facility during their tour of Dahlgren laboratories and test sites. NSWCDD leaders and technologists - including Hampton University alumni currently working at Dahlgren as scientists and engineers - briefed the Hampton University delegation on the command's mission, capabilities and technological programs as well as human resources initiatives. 
In turn, Dr. Danny Barnes, Hampton University director for cyber security and computer information systems - briefed NSWCDD officials about Hampton University which is comprised of seven schools - business, engineering and technology, liberal arts and education, nursing, pharmacy, science, Scripps Howard School of Journalism and Communications, and the University College.

Middle School Students Respond to Navy Challenge, Present 88 STEM Projects at Science Fair
February 6, 2018
IMAGE: FREDERICKSBURG, Va. (Jan. 30, 2018) – The 15 students recognized for placing first, second, third, and honorable mention at the 2018 Freedom Middle School Science Fair are pictured with school officials. They were among 108 students who presented 88 science, technology, engineering, and mathematics projects in three categories: earth and space, life science and biology, and physical science. The students briefed their projects to 15 judges – including 12 scientists and engineers from Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division – who interviewed and mentored the students while evaluating their projects. Students pictured left to right on the first row (bottom) are: Samantha Quillen, Emilee Imler, Kaitlyn Bestick, and Hannah Lowery. Second row: Rachel Margelos, Caleb Caison, and Regan Bestick. Third row: Gavin White, Calvin Campbell, Areanna Jess, and Garrett Peck. Fourth row: Daniel Fordham, Hailey Gibson, Phoebe Awan, and M’Laya Ainsworth. Freedom Middle School officials pictured in the top row: Advanced Science Teacher Linda Lapp, Vice Principal Dwan Barnes Gaines, Principal Dr. Eric Wright, and ‎Physical Science Teacher Mendy Owen.

Federal Laboratory Consortium Selects 'Dahlgren Decon' for 2018 Excellence in Tech Transfer Award
February 6, 2018
IMAGE: SCHOFIELD BARRACKS, Hawaii – A U.S. Army Soldier decontaminates a military vehicle with the Dahlgren Decontamination solution, known as Dahlgren Decon. The Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer (FLC) selected Dahlgren Decon technology for a 2018 Excellence in Technology Transfer Award, Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) announced, Feb. 2. Dahlgren Decon was invented and developed by NSWCDD to defend warfighters against chemical, biological, and radiological agents. In September 2016, the command signed an exclusive license agreement with First Line Technology, a Virginia-based small business, permitting it to manufacture the life-saving decontamination technology for warfighters and first responders nationwide.