The largest of the Navy's five systems commands, the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) engineers build and support America's Fleet of ships and combat systems. Accounting for nearly one-fifth of the Navy's budget, NAVSEA manages more than 150 acquisition programs and has more than 75,000 civilian and military employees at 33 activities in 16 states.
NAVSEA's Warfare Center Enterprise is comprised of the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) and the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC). With eight Surface Warfare and two Undersea Warfare sites across the United States, the Warfare Centers supply the technical operations, people, technology, engineering services and products needed to equip and support the fleet and meet the warfighters' needs. The Warfare Centers are the Navy's principal research, development, test and evaluation (RDT&E) assessment activity for surface ship and submarine systems and subsystems. In addition, the Warfare Centers provide depot maintenance and in-service engineering support to ensure the systems fielded today perform consistently and reliably in the future.
Naval Surface Warfare Center
Our vision is to be the Navy's trusted partner for identifying and providing innovative cost effective technical solutions to the warfighter. We will be responsive to the Navy Enterprises, the Joint Force and national requirements, while partnering with industry, other DoD laboratories, and academia.
The Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) cohesively and seamlessly operates the Navy's full spectrum research, development, test and evaluation, engineering, and fleet support centers for offensive and defensive systems associated with surface warfare and related areas of joint, homeland and national defense systems from the sea.
Naval Undersea Warfare Center
Expand the Undersea Advantage
To operate the Navy's full-spectrum research, development, test and evaluation, engineering, and Fleet support center for submarines, autonomous underwater systems, and offensive and defensive weapon systems associated with USW and related areas of homeland security and national defense.