Warfare Centers Hotline

Contact Form

The Warfare Center Hotline is meant to identify and eliminate fraud, waste, abuse or mismanagement in Warfare Centers operations.​


  1. Your chain of command should be your first point of contact. By doing so, you will avoid delays in the resolution of your complaint by learning the appropriate avenue of redress for your allegation.
  2. Know that our office will NOT provide anyone, to include the source of the complaint, with the status of action(s) taken on any allegation. Regulations prohibit the disclosure of information contained in investigative records, even to the individual submitting the allegation(s).
  3. You can also call: (833) 319-0951 or email at: navsea_warfare_c.fct@navy.mil


YOUR NAME: (If anonymous please enter Anonymous | If requesting to remain confidential please enter Confidential after your name i.e. John Doe – Confidential. NOTE: Confidential means we can contact you for additional information, but your name will remain confidential and will not be shared outside of the NAVSEA Office of Inspector General.)

YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS: (If anonymous please enter navsea_warfare_c.fct@navy.mil)

MESSAGE: When completing the “Message” field please consider including the following:

  1. WHO; committed the alleged wrongdoing? Please provide contact information that will help us identify the organization or person responsible for the activity you are reporting. Include anyone else that can help corroborate your report.
  2. WHAT; Tell us in plain language what happened? What did the person(s) do or fail to do.
  3. WHAT; What rule, regulation, or law do you believe to have been violated?
  4. WHERE; Where did the incident(s) occur?
  5. WHEN; Detail when the incident occurred.
  6. HOW; How are you aware this incident happened? What rule, regulation, or law do you believe to have been violated?