Subject: Shipboard Applications Proper Measurement of Cable Assembly Link Loss
Description: This document (7 pgs., 116k) addresses the necessity and requirement to perform
a cable assembly link loss in accordance with MIL-STD-2042. Improper, measurement loss
techniques are being used by some installation personnel. Recent problems with unacceptable
measurement losses obtained were a result of measurement loss procedure used and not component
flaw or installer fabrication technique. Use of proper measurement loss procedure will ensure
accurate and repeatable data are obtained. [NSWCCD-SSES ltr 9504 Ser 9542/11 30 MAY 1997]
Subject: Optical Test Measurement Guide
Description: This document (66 pgs., 2 MB) addresses the requirements for performing optical test measurements on Fiber Optic Cable Topology (FOCT) components. Proper optical test measurement documentation and performance are required for test laboratory suitability status audits from the Defense Supply Center Columbus (DSCC), proper test performance to FOCT military specifications, and a complete review of test procedures and test reports. [NSWCCD-SSES ltr 9504 Ser 963210/06-005 31 Oct 2005]
Subject: Method to Measure Ferrule End Faces on Fiber Optic Connectors and Termini
Description: This document (12 pgs., 316k) addresses guidelines to be used for specifying and measuring the ferrule end face geometry on fiber optic connectors and termini. Measurement method addressed is one using an interferometer. It is recognized that no one standardized ferrule end face geometry is in current use by all Platforms (such as ship, aircraft or ground-based). Acceptance criteria for ferrule end face geometry is addressed for domed end face ferrules (configured with either a physical contact, PC, or a non-contact, NC, polish) and for flat end face ferrules (with a NC polish only). [NSWCCD-SSES ltr 9504 Ser 96315/067 31 Oct 2003]
Subject: Electromagnetic Effects Test and Measurement Guide, Qualified Products List, Test Suitability for Fiber Optic Cable Topology Components
Description: This document (33 pgs., 632 kb) addresses the requirements for performing the electromagnetic effects test on Fiber Optic Cable Topology (FOCT) components. [NSWCCD-SSES ltr 9504 Ser 963210/06-007 31 Oct 2005]
Subject: Shock Test Guidance Document
Description: This document (38 pgs., 566 kb) addresses the requirements for performing the mechanical shock test per MIL-S-901 on Fiber Optic Cable Topology (FOCT) components. [NSWCCD-SSES ltr 9504 Ser 965/002 02 Sep 2006] NOTE: The next revision to this document will add a note to Figure 7 stating "Intermediate plate and gusset material: 1/4" 5083 A1".
Subject: Fungus Resistance Test Guide
Description: This document (9 pgs., 567 kb) addresses the requirements for performing the fungus resistance test per MIL-STD-810 on Fiber Optic Cable Topology (FOCT) components. [NSWCCD-SSES ltr 9504 Ser 965/001 26 Jan 2007]
Subject: Optical Test Measurement Instrumentation, Qualified Products List, Test Suitability for Fiber Optic Cable Topology Components
Description: This letter (4 pgs., 169 kb) addresses the intent of the Optical Test Measurement Guide, in defining the requirements for the optical test measurement systems used in the optical test measurements during Qualified Products List (QPL) testing of Fiber Optic Cable Topology (FOCT) components. [NSWCCD-SSES ltr 9504 Ser 965/005 23 MAR 2007]
Last Updated: 9/20/07