Capability Acquisition Management:
Modifying the Acquisition Process to Emphasize I&I
By Joel Washington
Maintaining alignment of the myriad of program acquisition activities
spanning multiple program offices, and often across different Program
Executive Offices (PEOs), to realize a complete mission thread of warfighting
capability, is a daunting endeavor. Success means managing and maintaining
alignment of specific interdependent system attributes of the mission
thread during system development through what has traditionally been
an asynchronous set of technical and programmatic activities. This is one
of the four critical core areas the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren
Division (NSWCDD), Integration and Interoperability (I&I) Mission
Engineering team, sponsored by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the
Navy Research, Development, Test and Evaluation has had to address:
1 |
Integrated Capability Framework
Overarching I&I task structure |
2 |
Capability Solution Management
Finding solutions to gaps |
3 |
Capability Acquisition Management
Managing the production of solutions |
4 |
Alignment of I&I Processes
Identifying stakeholders and best practices |
This article describes the Capability Acquisition Management (CAM)
Integrated Product Team (IPT) tasks, which are aimed at fusing force-level
I&I considerations throughout the system acquisition decision process by
modifying Systems Engineering Technical Review (SETR), Gate Review,
and Probability of Program Success (PoPS) criteria.
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Figure 1. Warfighting Capability
I&I represents synchronization of a series of deliberate
steps to provide an end-to-end capability view
from an “effects chain” perspective. Where possible,
the I&I approach leverages existing Department of
Navy processes (e.g., Joint Capabilities Integration
Development System, Capability-Based Acquisition,
Office of the Chief of Naval Operation’s (OPNAV)
N81 Warfighting Capability Plan, and the acquisition
analysis of alternatives (AoA). I&I also provides a disciplined
Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel,
Leadership and Education, Personnel, Facilities and
Interoperability (DOTMLPF-I) analysis to develop
issues based on empirical data, facilitate solution
recommendations to achieve effects chain wholeness,
and align I&I recommendations to Navy leadership’s
informed budget and acquisition/investment decisions.
The overarching goal is to deliver strategic
readiness by ensuring the Fleet is capable of successfully
executing the most important effects chains
that, together, form the Navy’s core contribution to
Combatant Commander Operation Plans.
I&I contributors consist of system commands
(SYSCOMs), warfare centers, OPNAV, Commander
Operational Test and Evaluation Force (COTF), and
the Fleet. The Fleet provides mission area advocacy
from establishing the I&I demand signal through processing
approved solutions. The COTF provides the
framework and focal point for expertise to accomplish
selected effects chain assessments. SYSCOMs provide
the technical rigor to accomplish I&I materiel issue
assessments. OPNAV and the Assistant Secretary of
the Navy (Research, Development, and Acquisition)
[ASN(RDA)] provide the expertise and options to
leverage the full range of processing and implementation
options for I&I solutions as illustrated in Figure 1.
The CAM IPT was specifically tasked to recommend
policy changes to support mission engineering,
incorporate rigor into mission engineering aspects of
the acquisition process, and to mitigate I&I issues.
Candidate policies for change were found in the Technical
Review Manual, Naval Sea Systems (NAVSEA)
instructions, Naval Systems Engineering Technical
Review Handbook, and OPNAV instructions. Emphasis
was placed on the criteria required to support
mission thread and kill chain execution.
In looking at potential policy changes, the CAM
IPT addressed the full end-to-end traceability of mission
capability requirements in specific domains by
- Data
- Interfaces
- Decomposition/allocation of end-to-end
technical requirements
- Dependencies
- Commonality
Any proposed policy changes would be vetted
against and help ensure compliance with overarching
I&I acquisition policy statements in SECNAVISNT
5000.2E, “Department of the Navy Implementation
and Operation of the Defense Acquisition System and
the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development
System,” 1 September 2011:
PMs shall ensure the (I&I) of all operations,
functions, system interfaces, data, software based
services, distributed decision-making systems,
human processing capabilities, situational awareness
systems, and other systems to reflect the requirement
for all system elements: hardware, software, facilities,
sustainment infrastructure, personnel and data.
Interoperability shall be addressed by including
system of systems (SoS) or federation of systems
(FoS) considerations ....(6.1.6 Interoperability and
The CAM IPT settled on modifying three interrelated
target areas that would then be codified through
proposed policy changes: specifically, the SETR process
for technical monitoring capability development;
the 2-Pass, 6-Gate acquisition management schema
for decision control measures; and finally the PoPS
dashboard for monitoring program health assessment
and reporting. We will explore the CAP IPTs efforts
in each of these three areas in this article.
![](/portals/103/Images/NSWC_Dahlgren/LeadingEdge/IandI/Washington/figure2.jpg) |
Figure 2. Systems Engineering Technical Review Process
Systems Engineering Technical Review
The first area the CAM IPT focused on was the
SETR process. The SETR process is an integral element
of the acquisition process and life cycle management,
as traditionally depicted in Figure 2. Technical reviews
coincide with and support key acquisition milestone
decisions and gate reviews in the acquisition process,
and provide an independent assessment of emerging
designs against plans, processes, standards and specifications,
and key knowledge points in the development
process. The SETR process is integral to naval
systems engineering and is consistent with existing
and emerging commercial standards.
Although the SETR process consists of several
technical reviews, depicted as red triangles in Figure
2, the CAM IPT assessed I&I-related criteria and
targeted three specific reviews: System Requirements
Review (SRR); System Functional Review (SFR); and
Preliminary Design Review (PDR). Each review is
described below.
The objective of the SRR is to ensure that operational requirements have been successfully represented by system requirements; the system design has the potential of meeting these system requirements when acceptably balanced with cost, schedule, and technical risk; and the plans for moving ahead with system development are reasonable and of acceptable risk.
The objective of the SFR is to review and approve the system's technical description, including its system requirements and architecture, and to establish the system's functional base.
The primary objective of a system or subsystem PDR is to review and approve the system architecture as defined by the allocation of requirements to the subsystems and configuration items, thereby creating the allocated baseline.
Mission I&I SETR Event Tier Development
The CAM IPT started with a list of criteria that had
been previously developed by an earlier SYSCOM I&I
team. A tier structure was used to help analyze and
determine I&I entry and exit criteria, leading to the
traceability and evaluation of the system of systems
throughout the life cycle. The SETR evaluation criteria
was developed and documented for inclusion into the
SETR handbook. The tier structure for organizing
SETR criteria consisted of five tiers:
Tier 1
SETR event |
Tier 2
Categories: mission engineering, systems engineering, test and evaluation, IA, open architecture |
Tier 3 |
Subcategories of Tier 2, such as capability gaps analysis |
Tier 4 |
Evaluation criteria |
Tier 5 |
Detailed criteria designed to help evaluate Tier 4 criteria |
The tier structure numbers are used to identify
the categories and the actual I&I evaluation criteria.
2-Pass, 6-Gate Process
The second area the CAM IPT addressed was
acquisition milestone management and milestone
decision-making policies and processes. The Navy
has mandated that all programs use the 2-pass, 6-gate
process for program evaluations. The goal is to ensure
programs are adequately assessed during the system
engineering development process. As depicted in
Table 1, the gate review process ensures alignment
between service-generated capability requirements
and acquisition, and improves senior leadership decision-
making through better understanding of risks
and costs throughout a program’s entire development.
OPNAV Chaired
ASN(RDA) Chaired
Gate 1
Initial Capabilities Document Approval |
Gate 4
System Design Specification Approval
Gate 2
AoA Approval |
Gate 5
Request for Proposal Release
Gate 3
Capabilities Development Document/Concept of Operations Approval |
Gate 6
In-Progress Review Capabilities Production Document Approval
Table 1. 2-Pass, 6-Gate
Specifically, the CAM IPT reviewed Gate 3 and
Gate 6 templates for inclusion of I&I activities and
actions. This included rewriting Gates 3 and 6 entry
and exit criteria, based on the understanding of
SoS engineering. For Gate 3, the CAM IPT recommended
providing test and evaluation strategies for
developing end-to-end test plans. Early operational
assessments, prior to developmental testing, were
also recommended to reduce integration risk and
SoS testing. For Gate 6, the CAM IPT recommended
the use of mission threads for improving system and
platform operational effectiveness, including how
mission threads can be used to assess DOTMLPF
material solutions.
Incorporating these changes to Gates 3 and 6 will
provide the rigor necessary to ensure the program
under review is fully reporting I&I characteristics
and is capable of transitioning to the next phase with
minimal risk.
Probability of Program Success (PoPs)
The Program Health Assessment Guidance, PoPS,
assesses the health of an acquisition decision and the
likelihood of implementation and associated impacts
to capabilities by measuring a program’s real ability
to accomplish its objectives and effectively illustrate
that status to decision makers. For Gates 3 and 6,
the CAM IPT reviewed the associated PoPS criteria
for inclusion of I&I acquisition requirements. When
holistically implemented, PoPS produces an interactive
dashboard (see Figure 3) that displays a program’s
current “health status,” and enables leadership to
identify issues, determine mitigation strategies, and
allocate resources accordingly across the program.
![](/portals/103/Images/NSWC_Dahlgren/LeadingEdge/IandI/Washington/figure3.jpg) |
Figure 3. Program Health Assessment Dashboard
![](/portals/103/Images/NSWC_Dahlgren/LeadingEdge/IandI/Washington/figure4.jpg) |
Figure 4. PSETR/Gate Reviews and PoPs Linkage
The PoPS family tree is intended to provide a holistic
look at a program and provide leadership an easily
interpreted (red-yellow-green) consistent assessment
of current program state. Of particular interest to the
CAM IPT was the linkage, shown in Figure 4, among
the SETR technical reviews, the acquisition 2-Pass,
6-Gate events, and the continual PoPS measures and
program status. The proposed SETR I&I criteria for
SRRs, SFRs, and PDRs supports the I&I requirements
at acquisition Gates 3 and 6. This information
is reported through PoPS, which provides a holistic
response to realizing capability acquisition management
for mission-level I&I.
If criteria questions reveal issues during any of
the targeted reviews, the program manager or senior
leader can assess the program’s health based on program
requirements, resources, program planning and
execution, and external influencers.
Recommended Policy Changes to
Support I&I
The CAM IPT identified four specific policy-rich
documents at various levels of the Navy’s acquisition
and development organizational structure to achieve
coverage of mission-level I&I requirements at organization
- OPNAVINST 9070.2a, “Signature Control
Policy for Ships and Crafts of the U.S. Navy”
“C5ISR Modernization Policy”
Order 5400.5/SPAWARINST 5000.1/
NAVAIRINST 5000.24, Naval Systems
Engineering Technical Review Handbook
- Technical Review Manual Version 2.0,
The recommended update to these instructions
ensures that integration and interoperability are considered
across Navy systems of systems, and provide
evaluation criteria for SETRs and design reviews.
The goal of the CAM IPT was to address
I&I issues and reduce the programmatic risk
to enabling mission-level requirements. To do
this, the CAM IPT developed new SETR criteria
questions that addressed I&I across mission
and platform systems of systems, proposed
entry and exit criteria for the 2-Pass, 6-Gate
review process, and recognized the value of
having I&I issues visible in the PoPS dashboard.
Codification of the new SETR criteria
was accomplished by providing recommended
additions to current policy documents.