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PSNS & IMF recognizes 10 innovators through IDEA program



By Becky Lounsberry, IDEA Program Coordinator


Ten employees whose proposals improved performance or saved money at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility were the focus of the Improvements Developed by Employee Actions, or IDEA, award ceremony April 20, in the Shipyard auditorium.

Capt. Timothy Halladay, deputy commander of the Northwest Regional Maintenance Center, presided over the ceremony and presented awards to employees whose suggestions were submitted and adopted through the IDEA program. The program recognizes military and civilian personnel who make a “constructive proposal that directly contributes to economy, or efficiency, or directly increases effectiveness of government operations.”

From left to right: Bruce Himmerick, Dustin Tweten, Mitchell Avery, Justin Mulligan, Randy Deitch, Mitchell Debard, Jamie Rush, Donene Stagner and Capt. Timothy Halladay, deputy commander of the Northwest Regional Maintenance Center. Not pictured were Danny Kuhnau and Douglas Hoelzen Jr., who were unable to attend the ceremony.

Each quarter, the IDEA program honors employees whose suggestions are adopted. The ceremony April 20 recognized honorees for the second quarter of fiscal year 2016.

As an example of the innovations being recognized, PSNS & IMF’s Dustin Tweten, Randy Deitch and Justin Mulligan collaborated on an idea to improve the electroplating process in awkward overhead locations. Their idea has resulted in a savings of more than $30,000. In addition, as a result of reduced worker fatigue, their innovation is credited with producing higher quality work and a safer worksite.

After remarks by Halladay and David Lewis, who was filling in for the fiscal year 2016 IDEA Review Panel Chairperson, PDQs, monetary and honorary awards, and/or certificates were given at the ceremony to the following individuals:

Individual Awards:

Mitchell Avery, an industrial engineering technician with C/900, for IDEA #11185, titled “Job Safety Matrix”

Mitchell Debard, an electrician helper, with S/51, for IDEA #16007, titled “ODS Mounting Bracket”

Bruce Himmerick, an electrician with S/51, for IDEA #16058, titled “Magnetic Modified Covers”

Douglas Hoelzen Jr., an electronics mechanic supervisor with S/67, for IDEA #12223, titled “SSBN RCC Mod Gen I & C Type 2”

Danny Kuhnau, an electrician supervisor with S/51, for IDEA #9149, titled “New Tool Designed to be used on Stuck Circuit Breakers in Switchboards”

Jamie Rush, an electrician helper with S/51, for IDEA #16041, titled “Rush Rings”

Donene Stagner, a production shop planner with S/99, for IDEA #15001, titled “Bonnet Covers for Blowers, Steam Heaters, AC Units and Cooling Coils to Keep out Foreign Debris and FME Items”

Group Award:

Randy Deitch, an electroplater supervisor with S/31; Justin Mulligan, electroplater worker with S/31; and Dustin Tweten, electroplater with S/31, for IDEA #16015, titled “Electroplating Anode for Overhead Hull Inserts”

Separated employees also honored:

Kelly Coady, separated, for IDEA #16208, titled “Dashpot Reaming Tool”

William Pierce, retired, for IDEA #12103, titled “Sub HDR Antenna Lift Fixture”



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