Home : Home : Shipyards : PSNS-IMF : Careers : Helper (Trainee) Program : FAQs & Helpful Links

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. When can I apply for a Helper (Trainee) position?
  2. An announcement will be posted on USAJOBS.gov when applications are being accepted.

  3. Will I be required to obtain a security clearance or take a physical examination?
  4. Yes, if you are selected for a position you will be required to obtain and maintain a security clearance.

    Yes, you are required to pass a physical and Physical Capacity Exam (PCE) for most positions. You must demonstrate the ability to work safely and possess the ability to perform and comprehend the work tasks associated with the specific trade for which you were offered a position.

  5. Will I have to take a drug test?
  6. The Department of the Navy (DON) had implemented drug testing as part of the Drug Free Workplace Program (DFWP). Depending on the trade that you are hired into, drug tests may be required before entering the position and you may be subject to random drug testing under the DON DFWP. Regardless of your trade, as a Federal employee it is mandatory for continued employment that you refrain from the use of illegal drugs and, when directed, submit to drug testing.

  7. How much do I get paid?
  8. Approximately $15 per hour. You can also see the exact pay scale.

  9. Do I have to register for Selective Service?
  10. Yes. If you are a male between 18 and 25 years old, you must register for the Selected Service. You can register by completing a form at the post office. Some high schools have a staff member who serves as a Selective Service Registrar. If you are turning 18, you can go to http://www.sss.gov to register online.

  11. What is the penalty for not registering?
  12. Failure to register is a violation of the Military Selective Service Act and you are ineligible for hire. Conviction for such a violation may result in imprisonment for up to five years and/or a fine of not more than $250,000.

  13. What if I am over 26 and haven’t registered?
  14. Once you reach age 26, it’s too late to register. Even though you may not be prosecuted, you may be denied student financial assistance, federal job training, and most Federal employment unless you can provide convincing evidence to the agency providing that your failure to register was not knowing and willful.

  15. What are my chances of being hired?
  16. The Helper (Trainee) program is very competitive. Approximately 3,000 applicants apply every year, while only 200 - 400 are hired. Keep Trying!

Helpful Links

Veteran Information:  Obtain a DD-214, Obtain an SF-15
Selective Service Registration
Department of Navy announcements on USAJOBS.gov
USAJOBS Resource Center
Interview Tips