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Tag: 3D printing

Journey to Build 3D Printed Bombs is Personal for NSWC Indian Head Division Leader
December 11, 2024

Faster, Cheaper, Stronger: Navy Engineers Discuss Impact of Additive Manufacturing at NSWC Dahlgren Division
June 7, 2022
IMAGE: Tim Peng, lead mechanical engineer at Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division, shows off an Essentium HSE 280i HT 3D printer. Peng leads a team of engineers in Additive Manufacturing.

NSWC Panama City collaborates with Naval Reservists through additive manufacturing
December 2, 2021
Lt. Joshua Kish, Engineering Duty Officer Reservist assigned to SurgeMain Atlanta, joins two 3D printed hull portions together with epoxy. This process allows the two hull forms that were 3D printed to join, creating a section of the unmanned underwater vehicle prototype.

NSWC Panama City provides rapid testing support with in-house manufacturing capabilities
December 1, 2020
Three pieces of reverse engineered prototypes were 3D printed by the Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division (NSWC PCD) Additive Manufacturing Laboratory. These prototypes were a proof of concept for the NSWC PCD Fabrication and Prototype Shops to rapidly deliver a solution to meet emerging fleet needs. Pictured from left to right: Computer numerical control Delrin plastic prototype, 3D printed polyethylene terephthalate, hand-cut plastic proof of concept.

NSWC Philadelphia Division Supports Additive Manufacturing in the Fleet
September 30, 2020
Fireman Apprentice Cynthia Fang receives training on how to replace the build plate on a Lulzbot Taz 6 printer aboard USS Dwight D Eisenhower (CVN 69). Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia Division and Carderock Division engineers have continued to support current Additive Manufacturing (AM) trials on different ship classes.

NSWC Dahlgren Division Engineers Awarded Patent Inspired By Ducks
August 4, 2020
IMAGE: DAHLGREN, Va. - Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) engineers Steven Price, left, and Andrew Wagner were recognized by NSWCDD leadership with the Patent Award in the command’s virtual honor awards ceremony, July 27. Price and Wagner are the recipients of a patent awarded by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for the capillary heat exchanger. Potential applications include the venting of air on naval vessels. It could be used to exchange stale air from inside a ship with outside air without losing the cooling in warmer climates, or the heat in cooler climates. The invention – a honeycomb-like device – can also be used as a heat exchanger to cool engines or other equipment that faces extreme temperatures. (U.S. Navy photo/Released)

NSWC PCD Procurement Lead Designs Lip Reading Kit
May 21, 2020
Jonathan Chapman, NSWC PCD procurement lead, speaks with Deanna Pedersen, NSWC PCD procurement branch head, using the lip reading kit he designed.  Chapman designed the kit for use by hearing impaired team members at the command.

PSNS & IMF manufactures, provides face shields to partners, local community
May 8, 2020
Rico Montalvo, a toolmaker with Shop 31, bags and seals face shields for use during the COVID-19 outbreak Tuesday, May 5 in Building 431 at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility in Bremerton.

Panama City protects personnel through rapidly developed PPE
April 15, 2020
Chuck Self, Additive Manufacturing Lab lead, and his team are developing non-medical FDA approved 3D printed mask frames made out of plastic in support of protecting NSWC PCD employees from COVID-19.

Team designs 3D-printed device to reduce time, cost, increase safety
October 23, 2018
Jeff Pugh, a pipefitter, uses a new 3D-printed alignment tool to help punch holes in an iron pipe hanger.