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NSWCPD Virtually Hosts Joint Warfare Centers Women’s History Month 2021 Observance
March 24, 2021
Keynote speaker Dianne M. Costlow (SES), Technical Director of Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), Corona Division, provides keynote remarks during the virtual Joint Warfare Centers Women’s History Month 2021 Observance, hosted by Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD) on March 16, 2021. Costlow shared 11 important lessons from her 36-year career at Corona and answered numerous questions from the audience.

NSWC Dahlgren and NSWC Carderock Divisions Collaborate to Develop STORM Analysis Capability
March 3, 2021
IMAGE: Analysts and modelers from the Synthetic Theater Operations Research Model (STORM) team at Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division work to bring force analysis capabilities in collaboration with the STORM team at Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division as well as other warfare centers and contractor partnerships. From left to right, Jared Luffman, Senior STORM command and control lead; Grace Thompson, STORM training lead; and Nupur Patel, STORM modeler; were part of the successful campaign to build mission analysis development to support the Future Surface Combatant Force studies.

NSWC Dahlgren Division Observes Disability Employment Awareness Month with NAVSEA Warfare Centers
November 23, 2020
IMAGE: WEST BETHESDA, Md. — Jet Griffin (left) provides ASL interpretation as Christina Suggs (not pictured) asks questions from the Fusion forum and Microsoft Teams chat for Tony Madalena (right).

Underwater Energy Transfer to Expand UUV Capability
August 20, 2015