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Tag: VA Tech

NSWCDD Hosts Virginia University Leadership Partnering Summit
November 19, 2021
IMAGE: Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) Commanding Officer, Capt. Stephen “Casey” Plew, addresses distinguished attendees at the Virginia University Leadership Partnering Summit. On Oct. 26, the NSWCDD Innovation Lab hosted the event to bring together NSWCDD senior leadership and representatives from six Virginia universities to explore the expansion of academic partnerships between the two parties.

NSWC Dahlgren Division Partners with Virginia Tech on NEEC Project to Provide Secure Software Solutions
September 17, 2021
IMAGE: (From left to right) Cathlyn Stone, Binoy Ravindran and Joshua Bockenek review software solution in development. Led by Professor Ravindran, Stone and Bockenek are doctoral students participating in a three-year NEEC project in partnership with NSWCDD.