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Tag: Awards and Recognition

NSWC IHD Employees Recognized with Warfare Centers Awards
July 25, 2022

CBRD Employees Receive Army Civilian Service Awards, Credited With Saving Over 300 Lives
July 7, 2022

NSWC Indian Head Division Employees Recognized at Command Honorary Awards Ceremony
May 18, 2022
NSWC IHD employees who received Command Honorary Awards pose for a group picture.

NSWC Indian Head Division Employees Recognized with Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Award
January 31, 2022
Group photo of John Hurley (center) being presented the Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Award

NSWC Crane department director awarded for leadership in Expeditionary Warfare
January 20, 2022
A civilian woman hold a certificate awarded to her from a Navy captain.

NSWCPD Recognizes Employees During Hybrid Quarterly Awards Ceremony
December 8, 2021
NSWCPD Recognizes Employees During Hybrid Quarterly Awards Ceremony

NSWCPD Hosts Virtual External Awards Ceremony
July 12, 2021
NSWCPD Hosts Virtual External Awards Ceremony

NSWCPD Hosts Virtual Quarterly Awards Ceremony
April 27, 2021

TRF Bangor Command Master Chief wins leadership award
September 16, 2020
Command Master Chief Petty Officer T.R. Glazner, from Lexington, North Carolina, assigned to Trident Refit Facility, Bangor, stands alongside his wife, Arwen, and children, Wyatt and Addisyn, after accepting the Naval Submarine League’s 2020 Fleet Master Chief Frank A. Lister award, Sept. 16.

TRF Bangor VPP coordinator wins SGE award
August 27, 2020
Jonathan Hagen, Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) Coordinator at Trident Refit Facility Bangor (TRFB) is presented with the VPP Special Government Employee 2020 Regional Award by Capt. Robert Figgs, TRFB commanding officer.