NORFOLK, Va. (NNS) – Mid-Atlantic Regional Maintenance Center (MARMC) held a change of command ceremony at Vista Point Conference Center in Norfolk, Virginia, August 16.
Capt. Dan Lannamann turned over command to Capt. Tim Barney.
The command is responsible for providing surface ship maintenance, management and oversight of private sector maintenance and fleet technical assistance to ships in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States and provides support to the 5th and 6th Fleet Area of Responsibilities. They are also responsible for the floating dry-dock Dynamic (AFDL-6).
“Capt. Lannamann, I want to extend my gratitude to you firsthand for your significant contributions to the Navy through your leadership. His is a very full plate for any commanding officer – his roles and responsibilities are unique and the mission extraordinary – and the stakes are very high for the fleet,” said Commander, Navy Regional Maintenance Center (CNRMC) Rear Adm. Tom Anderson, keynote speaker at the event.
“Capt. Lannamann’s visionary leadership in implementing the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) Campaign Plan was crucial to MARMC’s selection to drive the changes necessary to execute the awarding of the Navy’s new Firmed Fixed Price contracting strategy and the first multi-ship maintenance contracts,” said Anderson.
Under CNRMC direction in 2019, MARMC continued to take on ship maintenance availabilities in record numbers, while also strengthening core mission areas including Fleet Technical Assistance, Depot-level Contractor Administration and Quality Assurance, and Intermediate-level support to the fleet.
During Lannamann’s three years as CO, MARMC supported maintenance availabilities consisting of 44 Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) availabilities, 159 Continuous Maintenance Availabilities (CMAVs), and 203 ship deployments and numerous fleet operations.
MARMC also successfully completed a NAVSEA Inspector General inspection, a Procurement Performance Management Assessment Program Audit and a Fleet Maintenance Activity Assessment. Most significantly, under Lannamann’s leadership, MARMC won the 2017 and 2018 RMC Excellence Awards.
During his speech, Lannamann praised the work and dedication of the men and women at MARMC who served during his tenure.
“Let me talk about what make’s MARMC such a great command,” said Lannamann. “Our mission is vital to the protection of our great nation. We are professional maintainers and modernizers of U.S. Navy ships, submarines and aircraft carriers and our success is critical to our Navy and our nation’s defense. We are everywhere, from stem to stern and from the top of the mast to the keel and everything in between. However, what really matters is the people. That is because we have tremendous people; people that help me focus on the problem instead of on the problem. I thank you for being so darn good.”
“I look forward to leading MARMC and working with our numerous ship maintenance partners, providing superior material condition to the ships, submarines, and aircraft carriers and their operational commanders,” said Barney.
Barney joined the Navy in 1988 as a nuclear machinist’s mate until being awarded a Navy Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC) scholarship to the University of Michigan. While attending college he worked as a safety technician in civilian government service until being commissioned in 1993, after earning his Bachelor of Science degree in Physics.
He served aboard USS Elrod (FFG 55), USS George Washington (CVN 73) and USS Enterprise (CVN 65). His shore duties include Aircraft Carrier Nuclear Assistant Project Superintendent, Submarine Deputy Project Superintendent, Carrier Type Desk Officer and Submarine Type Desk Officer at Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY). He also served as the deputy ship design manager for in-service aircraft carriers during a tour at Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA 05V). He was later selected to support the withdrawal of combat forces from Iraq and served as the senior mission director and site lead in Umm Qasr, Iraq.
He then served as the Business and Strategic Planning Officer and Production Resources Officer at Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility (PHNSY & IMF). Most recently, he served as Waterfront Operations Officer at MARMC.
“Having had the opportunity to serve as MARMC’s Waterfront Operations Officer, I see the tremendous work that this team accomplishes every day. I am proud to be at the helm of such an outstanding and dedicated team – your knowledge, skillsets and professionalism will continue to make this command the leader in the ship repair industry,” said Barney.