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Home : Home : Warfare Centers : NUWC Newport : What We Do : Special Events/ANTX 2017
ANTX 2017 Partners


Welcome to ANTX 2017 - Aug. 15-16

Innovative solutions provide communications, command & control between undersea, surface, and air assets while unmanned systems execute missions supporting Battlespace Preparation in a Contested Environment intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR), mine countermeasures (MCM), and payload delivery. Command & control centers fuse and display collected data while live demonstrations of tactics, techniques, and procedures show technologies in action and how they will be used by the fleet.

In-water exercises will take place at NUWC Newport and NSWC Panama City with remote connectivity from fleet operators at Submarine Development Group Five in Keyport, Wash.

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ANTX 2017 Playbill
ANTX 2017 Videos

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