General |
Component Deficiency Policy |
Component Alerts
Subject: Policy to Invoke Standards for Fiber Optic Installations
Description:This document (2 pgs., 81k) cites the necessity to invoke standards for fiber optic installations aboard navy ships and for pierside connectivity. The
document also establishes responsibility for evaluating component performance requirements and the need for enhanced requirements.
[NSWCCD-SSES ltr 9504 Ser 96315/052 28 APR 2000]
Subject: Approval Process for Item Listing
Description:This document (8 pgs., 54k) addresses
the appproval process for item lisiting in the Fiber Optic Recommended Components Parts List. [NSWCCD-SSES ltr 9504 Ser 9542/27 13 MAR 1998]
Subject: Approval Points of Contact
Description:This document (3 pgs., 167k) provides
points of contact for suppliers to provide fiber optic components that they
desire to have considered for placement on the Navy Fiber Optic Recommended Component Parts
List. [NSWCCD-SSES ltr 5000 Ser 96315/002 28 Jan 2000]
Subject: Release of Data
Description: This (2 pgs., 199k) addresses
the following four issues: (1) Request for actual performance data obtained during component
qualification testing (2) Enhanced performance requirements (3) Use of component testing
versus assembly testing; and (4) Responsibility for products to conform to military
specification requirements. {NSWCCD-SSES ltr 5000 Ser 96315/038 27 Mar 2000
Subject: HAZMAT Transportation and Disposal Guidelines
Description: This document (2 pgs., 179k) addresses guidelines
for the transportation and disposal of two-part epoxy and of isopropyl alcohol used in fiber
optic connector terminations and cleaning procedures. Guidelines are provided for disposal of
fiber ends and consumables used while working with epoxy also. This letter provides guidance that
is general and appropriate for most, if not all applications. This guidance and the materials
used are not meant to be all-inclusive and must be augmented/tailored for each service being
performed (installation or repair) and for variations in local and state ordinances. Consult
your activity Hazmat Officer for final guidance. [NSWCCD-SSES ltr 5000 Ser 96315/067 19 May 2000]
Subject: Laser Safety Control Measure Guidelines
Description: This document (6 pgs., 635k) addresses guidelines
to be used for laser safety measures when installing and servicing optical fiber communication systems (OFCS). Exposure to emitted optical power occurs only
during installation and servicing where the optical path is not completely enclosed. When
a connector is removed for visual inspection of the end face under magnification, using an
eye-loupe, magnifier or microscope (optically aided viewing), then all of the emitted optical
power can be focused on the eye. ANSI Standard Z136.2 defines four Service Group (SG) hazard
classifications to cover the viewing conditions when fiber optic cables are disconnected.
Fiber optic ancillary hazards with guidance for control measures are briefly addressed in
enclosure (1). This letter provides guidance that is general and appropriate for most, if
not all applications. This guidance is not meant to be all-inclusive and must be
augmented/tailored for each site. Consult your activities Safety and Health Office for
further guidance. [NSWCCD-SSES ltr 5000 Ser 96315/006 30 Sep 2000]
Subject: Fiber Optic Systems Design, Installation and Support
Description: This document (5 pgs., 248k) provides information
on design standards, QPL items, installation standards, logistic support, and training.
[NSWCCD ltr 9504 Ser 9524 15 Feb 1996]
Subject: COTS Fiber Optic Connector Conversion Adapters at Equipment Interfaces, Navy Shipboard Use
Description: This letter (2 pgs., 72kb) identifies a concern and recommends actions if considering the use of fiber optic, conversion adapters at the optic port interface of network equipment. [NSWCCD-SSES ltr 9504 Ser 96315/06-008 31 Oct 2005]
Subject: Allowance for Alternative Steps in Termination Process, Fabrication of FIber Optic Cable Topology
Description: This letter (3 pgs., 585kb) addresses allowance for alternative steps/processes used to terminate fiber optic cable assemblies. [NSWCCD-SSES ltr 9504 Ser 965/004 28 Feb 2007]
Component Deficiency Policy
1. Background
In the past, deficient components and materials have not been reported and contained until significant quantities have been shipped
and installed. The policy stated below is to be implemented to minimize the Fleet impact of receipt of deficient
2. End-User Responsibility
Within 24 hours from the identification of deficient components/material, the end user
(such as installing activity) is to E-mail NSWCDD of the deficiency.
Notification is to include deficiency description and points of contact (include names and
telephone numbers and times available for contact). Available product information
(manufacturer, lot numbers, model, purchase document, etc.), installation status (quantity
installed, quantity removed, quantity remaining in stock/warehouse, network/system in which
component is installed) should be included to the extent feasible.
3. NSWCDD Responsibility
Upon notification of a deficient condition, NSWCDD is to immediately take action to
confirm that the deficiency is valid. If confirmation is made, NSWCDD is to immediately
implement the process for a stop shipment (through DLA-VQP for QPL deficient
components/material), then investigate the deficient components/material.
This investigation includes a site visit, sample analysis, working with the manufacturer to
identify the problem and implement appropriate corrective action, specifying any re-testing,
reviewing proposed corrective action and re-tests, recommending approval and re-shipment of
corrected product. User community is to be notified once the existence of a deficiency is
ascertained through this Web Site.
4. DLA-VQP Responsibility for QPL Components
DLA-VQP will issue a stop shipment letter upon being contacted by NSWCDD for any
deficient components/material on a fiber optic component QPL. DLA-VQP will review any
corrective actions taken and tests specified by NSWCDD that need to be performed prior
to granting approval for re-shipment.
5. Deficient Components/Material User Alert List
Notification to the user community of a deficient components/material will be done through
E-mail. Users must be on the distribution list to be notified of a new active discrepancy
posted on this Web Site.
Request for consideration to be placed on the user notification list should be submitted
via E-mail to NSWCDD.
Component Alerts
1. Current:
There are no alerts at this time.
2. Archives:
Subject: OFCC Susceptibility Test
Description: Provides information on conducting the OFCC Susceptibility Test to verify whether kinking of an optical
cable results in breakage of any optical fiber in the cable.
Subject: User Notification, MIL-C-83522/16 ST Connector, Incorrect Parts Supplied
Description:This document (2 pgs., 77k) addreses Qualified Prodicts List (QPL)
ST connectors made by Lucent Technologies that were assembled and shipped with a non-QPL spring.
[NSWCCD-SSES ltr 9504 Ser 9542/26 13 MAR 1998]
Subject: Issues with Metal Ferrules
Description: This document (3 pgs., 248k) provides information
on the issues relating to metal connector ferrules. [NSWCCD-SSES ltr 9504 Ser 96315/055 28 APR 2000]
Last Updated: 5/14/15