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Home : Home : Warfare Centers : NSWC Dahlgren : What We Do : Navy Shipboard Fiberoptics : Certified FO Trainers List
Navy Shipboard Fiber Optics:
Training Certification Program

The links below provide information about the Navy Shipboard Fiber Optic Training Program, the list of NAVSEA Certified Fiber Optic Training Organizations, and applicable documents which invoke the requirements for Navy shipboard fiber optic training:

NAVSEA Drawing 8477552 Rev C
Title: Navy Shipboard Fiber Optic Training Certification Program
Description: This NAVSEA Drawing provides detailed information and guidance about the Navy Shipboard Fiber Optic Training Certification Program.

NAVSEA Certified Fiber Optic Trainers List

MIL-STD-1678-1C – Part 1, Requirement 1306
Title:  Fiber Optic Cabling Systems Requirements and Measurements (Part 1: Design, Installation and Maintenance Requirements.  Requirement 1306: Personnel Proficiency)
Description:  This requirement establishes initial and recurring criteria for ensuring that military maintainers, depot, artisans, prime and sub-prime contractors, and others within the fiber optic community (both Government and commercial, see 6.3) have initial and maintain an adequate skill set for their assigned fiber optic responsibilities.

Title: NAVSEA Standard Item No. 009-123
Description: Provides requirements for backfit and overhaul operations involving fiber optic cabling and components. It is invoked by contract. 


NAVSEA Technical Specification 9090-310G Rev 1


Description: This specification establishes requirements and procedures applicable for all modernization of U.S. Naval vessels when accomplished by Alteration Installation Teams (AITs) and any other team or organization (e.g., Customer Contracted Team (CCT), Technical Assist Visit (TAV), etc.) who performs the duties or functions of an AIT.







Last Updated: 02/7/24