The following BOF studies have restricted distribution, therefore, a document request must
first be submitted to Navy Shipboard Fiber Optics for review. To submit a document request, simply
click on the icon beside the document title.
To be considered, each document request must contain the following information:
Full Name, Company, Phone Number, Program or Project, Document Title, and Justification.
BOF Fire Stop Test Summary
This report summarizes the results of fire stop testing performed by Nelson Firestop
Products on prototype BOF cables.
Air Blown Fiber (ABF) Preliminary Engineering Evaluations Laboratory Test Summary
This report summarizes the results of laboratory testing performed by NSWCDD and
NSWCCD-SSES on ABF fiber bundles, ABF tube cable, ABF furcation units, and ABF end caps.
BOF Preliminary Engineering Evaluations 18 Fiber Bundle Blowing Test Summary
This report summarizes the results of blowing evaluations performed by NSWCDD on 18 fiber
BOF fiber bundles.
BOF Preliminary Engineering Evaluations 19 Tube Minimum Bend Diameter
Test Summary
This report summarizes the results of minimum bend diameter evaluations performed by
NSWCDD on 19-tube BOF cable..
Thermal Testing of Blown Optical Fiber System Fiber Furcation Units
This report summarizes the thermal testing of Connective Solutions Blown Optical Furcation Unit in accordance with CID A-A-59729 conducted by JHU/APL.
Last Updated: 7/27/05