The following American National Standards are copyrighted by the Laser Institute of America (LIA). Copies of these documents can be obtained directly from LIA or from sources such as, Rockwell Laser Industries, Kenteck Laser Safety Products, etc.
ANSI Z136.1 - American National Standard for the Safe Use of Lasers.
The parent document and cornerstone of the Z136 series of laser safety standards, the ANSI Z136.1 provides guidance for the safe use of lasers and laser systems by defining control measures for each of the four laser classes.
ANSI Z136.3 - American National Standard for the Safe Use of Lasers in Health Care Facilities.
The ANSI Z136.3 is recognized as the definitive document on laser safety in all health care environments. It provides guidance for the safe use of lasers for diagnostic, cosmetic, preventative and therapeutic applications in any location where bodily structure or function is altered or symptoms are relieved. Lasers used in these applications are incorporated into an apparatus, which includes a delivery system, a power supply, mechanical housing, and associated liquids and gases as required for operation of the laser. The entire apparatus in referred to as a health care laser system (HCLS), and this standard is intended for use by all personnel associated with the installation, operation, calibration, and maintenance and service of the system.
ANSI Z136.4 - American National Standard Recommended Practice for Laser Safety Measurements.
This recommended practice document contains clearly written definitions, examples, and other practical information for laser safety officers, technicians, medical practitioners, educators, and other professionals. The comprehensive guide represents years of effort by laser safety experts representing the Department of Defense, Department of Energy, the Food and Drug Administration, National Institute of Standards and Technology, industrial laser manufacturers, laser operators, academic contributors and others.
ANSI Z136.5 - American National Standard for the Safe Use of Lasers in Educational Institutions.
This American National Standard applies the requirements of the ANSI Z136.1 for Safe Use of Lasers to the unique environments associated with educational institutions. Such settings include teaching laboratories, classrooms, lecture halls, science fairs, and science museums, which have incorporated lasers into their educational process. It is intended for staff and students using lasers for academic instruction in university, college, secondary, or primary educational facilities.
ANSI Z136.5 specifically provides laser safety guidance by evaluating and minimizing hazards associated with laser radiation in educational settings at all levels. It also discusses developing laser safety programs and student training. Various diagrams and examples of properly placed lasers and laser systems in relation to the audience are included.
ANSI Z136.6- American National Standard for Safe Use of Lasers Outdoors.
This standard provides guidance for the safe use of lasers in an outdoor environment. It covers product performance of lasers used outdoors including those that have been granted a variance or exemption from the provisions of the Federal product performance standard (21 CFR 1040). Products and applications covered:
- Laser Light Shows
- Military Lasers
- Lasers used for outdoor scientific research
- Wireless optical communications systems deployed outdoors
The standard also covers possible indirect hazards such as visual interference at night to pilots during take-off and landing.
ANSI Z136.7 - American National Standard for Testing and Labeling of Laser Protective Equipment.
The objective of this standard is to provide reasonable and adequate guidance on the test methods, protocols and specifications for devices used to provide eye protection from lasers and laser systems. Testing procedures are provided in this document to ensure that eyewear, windows, and barriers maintain their specified level of protection throughout the life of the products.
Such protective devices include laser eye protective devices or instrument filters, laser window filters, and laser area protective barriers, screens or beam blocking curtains. Depending on the protective device, laser type, temporal mode of operation and wavelength(s), different test methods may be required.