With the DoD’s largest concentration of Multi-Spectral, Multi-Domain (air, land, sea) EW Expertise, NSWC Crane is leading the Navy in electromagnetic capability development.  Spanning all branches of the military, NSWC Crane has the largest concentration of technical EW expertise, facilities, and equipment.  NSWC Crane provides distinct electronic warfare and integrated sensing technology to Control the Electromagnetic Spectrum in order to Control the Fight.

Maritime EW

Maritime EW provides capabilities in early detection, analysis, threat warning and protection from Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles (ASCMs). The EW Center provides comprehensive Maritime technical expertise for all surface EW systems and off-board decoy rounds, which include surface ship and submarine-based EW systems, as well as Electronic Collection Intelligence (ELINT) systems.

Ground EW

Ground EW provides critical Warfighter protection against Radio-controlled Improvised Explosive Devices (RCIEDs). EW Center experts continually upgrade Counter- RCIED technology to keep our Warfighters ahead of the enemy and battle emerging threats in theater.

Air EW

Air EW capabilities allow the Warfighter ensures the Warfighter will control the electromagnetic spectrum, ensuring safe and effective missions. EW Center Air experts develop innovative technical solutions in the areas of Airborne Electronic Attack systems, infrared and laser countermeasures and Airborne EW Defensive systems.