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This section is to be used as guidance to support the
design and selection of MCMs and/or Hybrids.
MCMs and Hybrids are similar in many aspects of
manufacturing and usage; however, there are differences in typical designs. Hybrids are usually designed to produce a
circuit function unavailable in a single monolithic microcircuit package, and
consist of individual active and passive chips (bare-die) combined with discrete
devices. MCMs are usually designed to provide a system function(s) in
applications with very limited real estate, and consist solely of active and
passive chips (bare-die). Hybrid
substrates traditionally are thick-film based, while MCMs may be thick film,
thin film, or lament. A product consisting of a diverse variety of bare-die is
an MCM, but might also be considered a Hybrid.
However, a product containing both chips and discretes can only be
classified as a Hybrid.
General Rework and
a. Touch-up of package sealing
surface plating on delidded packages should not be permitted.
b. For seam welding, the minimum
distance between the glass to metal seals and the package sealing surface should
be at least .040 inch (1.02 mm) after final seal, to prevent damage to lead
seals by welding adjacent to them.
c. Replacement elements should
not be bonded onto the chip element that they are to replace.
d. Rework of a wafer (i.e., the
strip and redeposition of a layer in order to correct a nonconformance to a
specification limit) should not be allowed. Additional etch to correct a
nonconformance to a specification limit, photoresist strip and recoat, or
processing to continue or finish incomplete processing, should not be considered
Wire Rebonding.
a. Wire rebonding of elements
other than substrates, thick film elements, capacitors, and package posts should
be permitted with the following
No scratched, voided, or discontinuous paths or conductor patterns on an element
should be repaired by bridging with or addition of bonding wire or ribbon.
2. All rebonds should be placed on
at least 50 percent undisturbed metal (excluding probe marks that do not expose
underlying oxide). No more than one rebond attempt at any design bond location
should be permitted. No rebonds should touch an area of exposed oxide caused by
lifted or blistered metal. Bond-offs required to clear the bonder after an
unsuccessful bond attempt need not be visible, should not be cause for reject,
and should not be counted as a rebond.
Wire rebonding on substrates and package posts should be permitted with the
following limitations:
1. Scratched, open, or
discontinuous substrate metallization paths or conductor pattern on a substrate,
not caused by poor adhesion, may be repaired by bridging with or by addition of
bonded conductors having current carrying capacity at least 3.5 times the
maximum calculated operating load current for the conductor or 3.5 times the
current capacity of the wire bond connection terminating on the damaged
conductor path. The quantity of repairs should be limited to one for each
one-half square inch or fraction thereof of substrate area. This repair is not
applicable to thick film elements, capacitors, or package posts.
2. No rebonds should be made over intended
bonding areas in which the top layer metallization has lifted, peeled, or has
been damaged such that underlying metallization or substrate is exposed at the
immediate bond site.
Compound bonding should be permitted only as
a. When required for design,
rework, or repair, gold compound bonds should be limited to one bond over the
original bond, wire, or ribbon.
b. Only monometallic compound
bonds of the same size wire or ribbon should be permitted (i.e., the original
bond wire and that used for compound bonding should be the same
c. For rework or repair, the
maximum number of compound bonds should not exceed 10 percent of the total
number of wires.
d For rework or repair, a
corrective action system should be utilized in order to reduce the number of
compound bonds.
e For rework or repair, all
compound bonds should be 100 percent nondestructive pull tested in accordance
with MIL-STD-883, Method 2023.
f. A compound bond should not be
used to connect two wires.
g. All compound bonds should meet
the visual criteria in MIL-STD-883, Method
Element replacement should be permitted with the
following limitations:
a. Any polymer-attached element
may be replaced two times at a given location on any
b. Any element attached with
polymer to metal, other than substrate metallization (e.g., pedestals, ribs,
carriers, etc.), may be replaced four times at a given
c. The number of polymer attached
tuning element replacements should be defined in the manufacturers' baseline
Use of Polymers
The use of polymers to effect, improve, or repair any
package seal should not be permitted.
It is permissible to perform seal rework without
delidding on devices that fail fine leak testing one time, only if tracer gas is
included during the original sealing operation and under all of the following
a. Fine leak testing, without
pressurization (bomb), should be performed immediately after sealing, before any
other test.
b. Devices should be stored in a
nitrogen environment for a maximum of 4 hours between initial seal and reseal,
without replacing the cover.
c. Devices should be submitted to
a predetermined vacuum bake before reseal.
d. Solder sealed
packages may not be reworked in accordance with this procedure.
It is permissible to rework other seals (e.g.,
feedthroughs, connectors, seal plugs, windows, etc.) at metal-to-metal
interfaces on unlidded devices.
Delidding and Relidding
Devices may be delidded and relidded for rework or
repair provided the delid-relid procedures, controls, and resulting data are
baselined. Delid-relid history (e.g., traceability by lot number or serial
numbers) should be maintained by the device manufacturer.
Only seam sealed, overlapping pulse welded, or laser
welded packages designed for delid-relid may be delidded-relidded.
Construction and Sealing
Devices should be hermetically sealed in glass,
metal, or ceramic (or combinations of these) packages. The following provisions apply to package
construction and sealing:
a. No adhesive or polymeric
materials will be used for package lid, or feedthrough, attach (or seal) or
b. Polymer impregnations or
secondary seal (backfill, coating, or other uses or organic or polymeric
materials to effect, improve, or rework/repair the seal) on the device package
should not be permitted.
c. Flux should not be used in the
final sealing process.
d. In the case of final lid seal
using a welding process, sufficient distance should be maintained between the
lid seal and any glass-to-metal seal, to preclude damage or degradation of the
glass-to-metal seal.
e. Package materials should be
selected such, that thermal expansion rate mismatches between different
materials do not compromise package integrity or hermetically during applicable
temperature excursions.
Cure Temperature
The cure temperature of polymeric materials should
not be exceeded after completion of final seal. Polymeric materials should meet
the requirements of MIL-STD-883, Method 5011.
External Metal Surfaces
External metal surfaces, other than seal weld areas,
should meet the applicable corrosion resistance requirements, or should be
plated to do so.
Integrity of Externals
External parts, elements, or coatings, including
markings, should be non-nutrient to fungus and should not blister, crack, flow,
or exhibit defects that adversely affect storage, operation, or environmental
capabilities of the device under the specified test and operating
Internal Thin Film Conductors
Internal thin film conductors on elements
(metallization stripes, contact areas, bonding interfaces, etc.) and internal
wires (wires, ribbons, etc.) should be designed such that no properly fabricated
conductor should experience current in excess of the maximum value calculated by
the manufacturer to preclude damage or degradation to the conductors, except by
design (e.g., internal fuses). The following conditions should be considered
when calculating the maximum current:
Calculate the current density at the
point of maximum current density (i.e., greatest current per unit cross section)
for the specified device type.
b. Use a current value equal to
the maximum continuous current (at full fanout for digitals or at maximum load
for linears) or equal to the simple time-averaged current, obtained at maximum
rated frequency and duty cycle with maximum load, whichever results in the
greater current value at the point of maximum current density. This current value should be determined at
the maximum recommended supply voltage and with the current assumed uniform over
the entire conductor cross-sectional area.
Use the minimum allowed metal thickness in accordance with manufacturing
specifications and controls, including appropriate allowance for thinning
experienced in the metallization step (via). The thinning factor over a
metallization step is not required unless the point of maximum current density
is located at the step.
d. Use the minimum allowable
actual conductor widths (not mask widths) including appropriate allowance for
narrowing or undercutting experienced in metal etching.
e. Do not include areas of barrier metals and
nonconducting material in the calculation of conductor cross-section.
Tin should be prohibited as a final finish and as an
undercoat. The use of tin-lead finish is acceptable if the lead content is a
minimum of 2 percent by weight.
Lead finish thickness measurements should be taken
halfway between the seating plane and the tip of the lead. The finish system on
all-external leads or terminals should conform to one of the
a. Hot solder dip. The hot solder dip will be
homogeneous with a minimum thickness of 60 microinches (1.52 mm) for round leads and, for
other shapes, a minimum thickness at the crest of the major flats of 200
microinches (5.08 mm) solder (SN60 or SN63). For
leadless chip carrier devices, the solder will cover a minimum of 95 percent of
the metallized side castellation or notch and metallized areas above and below
the notch (except the index feature if not connected to the castellation).
Terminal area intended for device mounting will be completely covered. The hot
solder dip on leads is applicable to either 1 or 2
Over a finish in accordance with entry c or d below. The solder will extend within 0.030 inch
(0.76 mm) of the lead or package interface, or beyond the effective seating
plane for packages with standoffs.
2. Over the basis metal or other
finishes. When applied over the basis metal, or over underplate or finishes
other than as specified in entry c or d, solder will cover the entire lead to
the glass seal or point of emergence of the lead or metallized contact through
the package wall.
b. Tin-lead plate. Tin-lead plate
will have in the plated deposit 2 percent to 50 percent by weight lead (balance
nominally tin) co-deposited. As plated, tin-lead will be a minimum of 300
microinches thick and will contain no more than 0.05 percent by weight
co-deposited organic material (measured as elemental carbon). Tin-lead plating
may be fused by heating above its liquidus temperature. Fused tin-lead will be a
minimum of 200 microinches thick. Tin-lead plate is
Over a finish in accordance with entry c below,
Over the basis metal.
c. Nickel plate or undercoating. Electroplated
nickel or electroless nickel phosphorous nickel undercoating or finishes will be
50 to 350 microinches (1.27 mm to 8.89 mm) thick measured on major flats
or diameters. Electroless nickel will not be used as the undercoating on
flexible or semiflexible leads and will be permitted only on rigid leads or
package elements other than leads (see MIL-STD-883 Method 2004 for definitions
of flexible and semiflexible leads).
d. Gold plate. Gold plating will be a minimum of
99.78 percent gold, and only cobalt will be used as the hardener. Gold plating
will be a minimum of 50 microinches (1.27 mm) and a maximum of 225
microinches (5.72 mm) thick. Gold plating will be
permitted only over nickel plate or undercoating in accordance with entry c
Thermal design analysis should be performed. As a minimum, it should establish that
functional device elements are operating within their design temperature ratings
when the device is operated at the specified maximum operating case temperature.
Finite element analysis is an acceptable thermal design analysis technique. All
active and passive elements should be derated.
Worst case circuit design analysis should be
performed and include the following evaluations as a minimum (applicable to the
a. Electrical element stress over
the specified operating temperature range will be within the specified derating
criteria under worst case temperature
b. Evaluated to meet the Group A
CI test limits at worse case operating temperature conditions, as