The relative failure modes of capacitors
are shown in Table 1.
As shown, the principal failure ode of capacitors is short circuits,
particularly in mica, glass, and tantalum styles. Early life failures are
initially caused by deficiencies in the capacitor manufacturing process, such as
burred or rough foil edges, thin regions in separator paper, deficiencies in
oxide films, etc., depending on the capacitor style. Failures later in life are
often caused by excessive internal temperatures caused by high operating
voltages or ripple currents. Some styles of capacitors are protected against
failure by a self healing process. A temporary short across a defect burns out
the defect with minimal damage to the anode/cathode. The capacitor will continue
operating, but in a slightly degraded mode.
Table 1. Normalized
Failure Mode Distributions for Capacitors
Capacitor Style
Relative Failure Mode
Open |
Short |
Value Change |
Leakage |
Mica/Glass |
13 |
72 |
15 |
Paper |
37 |
63 |
Plastic |
42 |
40 |
18 |
Ceramic |
22 |
49 |
29 |
Tantalum, Chip |
32 |
57 |
11 |
Tantalum Electrolytic |
17 |
69 |
14 |
Aluminum Electrolytic |
35 |
53 |
2 |
10 |
Variable Piston |
10 |
30 |
60 |
A failure mechanism unique to aluminum electrolytic
capacitors is safety vent failures. The purpose of the safety vent is to release
internal pressures and prevent explosions of free oxygen and hydrogen that can
occur at the anode. These internal pressures are created by excessive operating
voltage, ripple current, reverse voltage, or from any abnormal operating
condition that creates an internal temperature rise. However, safety vents can
also open prematurely and unintentionally. This causes the electrolyte to
evaporate, resulting in premature failure through decreased capacitance and
dielectric withstanding voltage. Since the electrolyte is corrosive, leakage can
also damage copper circuit board traces and surrounding components. The most
likely cause of premature safety vent release is from handling damage during the
manufacturing operation or degradation from cleaning solvents (especially
halides). The safety vent may also release prematurely when subjected to low
barometric pressures. For this reason, capacitors with safety vents are not
recommended for airborne applications or any application where it may be
subjected to low barometric pressures.
Wear out failure mechanisms in capacitors is usually
caused by chemical effect in the dielectric and is a function of time,
temperature, and voltage level. As a rule, the time-temperature chemical
degradation process doubles for each 10oC rise in temperature (i.e.,
the failure rate at 100oC will be twice the failure rate at
90oC). Time-voltage degradation is more difficult to quantify because
it is dependent on the type of dielectric. For some organic dielectrics, it can
vary in proportion up to the fifth power of the voltage (i.e., the failure rate
at 40 volts will be 32 times higher than the failure rate at 20
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