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Electric Ships Office
Collaboration & Oversight

  • ESO Executive Steering Group (ESG):
    The ESG was established by ASN(RDA) in 2007 to guide and direct PMS 320 activities. The ESG meets twice per year and is chaired by COMNAVSEA with flag officer/SES representation from DASN (R&D), ONR, OPNAV (N45, N95, N96, N97, N98), PEO IWS, PEO Ships, PEO Subs, PEO Carriers, PEO Littoral Combat Ships (LCS), NSWC, NAVSEA Nuclear Propulsion office (SEA 08), SEA 05, and NAVSEA Acquisition and Commonality Directorate (SEA 06). The UK Naval Attaché is an ad hoc member.

  • Combat Power and Energy Systems (CPES) Overarching Integrated Product Team (OIPT): CPES OIPT was chartered by the ESG in 2014, and is co-Chaired by PEO Ships and SEA 05 to coordinate at the working level amongst the OPNAV Requirements Organization and Naval Research and Development Enterprise all efforts associated with naval power and energy system development for forward and backfit.  This organization has six Working OIPT's:
      o   Requirements and CONOPS
      o   Mission System Load Characterization
      o   Power Systems Technical Architecture
      o   Ship Systems Engineering and Platform Integration
      o   Design Tools & Methodologies
      o   Business Operations and Costing
    The CPES OIPT meets every six months and has become a cross organizational platform to bring together multiple disciplines to conduct /and or peer review studies related to future and backfit ships. The OIPT is identifying gaps in processes, knowledge, and tools in developing alternatives to achieve affordable power and energy system options for future and existing ships.

  • PEO IWS:
    In support of the development of Naval High Energy Weapons which include Directed Energy (DE), Hyper Velocity Projectile (HVP), Electro-Magnetic Rail Gun (EMRG) and more, the Electric Ships Office (PMS 320) is tightly coupled with PEO IWS for power system integration and the appropriate shipbuilding PEO for ease of shipboard integration with necessary affordability requirements. PMS 320 uses naval laboratories, warfare centers and systems centers, as well as Industry and academia to provide technical and engineering support accelerating the development and transition of enabling technologies for PEO IWS Systems.

  • ONR:
    The relationship between ONR and PMS 320 is extremely close. The PMS 320 Program Manager sits as the acquisition member on the ONR FNC Power and Energy pillar working group. PMS 320 assists in the development of FNC Enabling Capability projects and executes Technology Transition Agreements. Frequent coordination meetings and daily working level interactions ensure continued alignment with ONR S&T to ensure its transition into fielded products.

  • Advanced Electric Power and Propulsion Systems Development Project (AEP3):
    The U.S. Navy is collaborating with the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence on a project arrangement to develop an Electric Power System Architecture for U.S. and UK Naval vessels including Medium Voltage Direct Current (MVDC) distribution. This architecture will be used to enable the integration of next generation weapons and sensors, enhance survivability, lower acquisition and operating costs, and ensure the safety of future Naval platforms. The U.S. DoD and UK MOD are conducting complementary research, design, modeling, and simulation of electric power system architecture. In addition, both nations are building and testing power system components and prototypes to validate performance, characterize key system attributes, and reduce development risks.

  • International Data Exchange Agreements: PMS 320 is the technical lead for R&D data exchange agreements with the UK and Germany in the area of shipboard electric power and propulsion technology. (See Above)

  • Industry: PMS 320 maintains BAA “Research and Development of Next Generation Integrated Power Systems,” (N00024-10-R-4215) and uses this as a principal conduit to solicit ideas from industry to satisfy emerging operational requirements.

  • Professional Societies: Active participation in professional society meetings such as American Society of Naval Engineers, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, IEEE, SNA, NDIA, NSRP and other forums offers the opportunity to engage in technical discourse in the sharing of ideas. Engagement in development of non-governmental specifications and standards to better incorporate COTS type equipment continues to enable affordable naval power and energy solutions.