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DDG 51
Fact Sheet

DDG 51 Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers

uilder: Bath Iron Works & Huntington Ingalls Industries

Speed: 30+ knots

  • Length: Flights I and II (DDG 51-78): 505 feet (153.92 meters)
    Flight IIA and III (DDG 79 AF): 509½ feet (155.29 meters)
  • Beam: 59 feet (18 meters)

Propulsion: Four General Electric LM 2500-30 gas turbines and two shafts creating 100,000 total shaft horsepower
Crew:  ~314

  • Flight I & II (DDG 51-78)
    • Standard Missile family
    • Vertical Launch ASROC (VLA) Missiles
    • Tomahawk Weapon System (TWS)
    • Six MK-46 Torpedoes (from two triple tube mounts)
    • Close In Weapon System (CIWS)
    • Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM)
  • Flight IIA (DDG 79-124 and 127) additional armament
    • Five-inch MK-45 Gun
    • Two LAMPS MK III MH-60 B/R Helicopters
    • MK 46/MK 50 Torpedoes

  • Flight III (DDG 125 and 126, 128 and follow) additional armament
    • AN/SPY-6(V)1